Meta Question

filmfann's avatar

What kind of Bling should we get?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) November 9th, 2013

Congratulations to Ben and Andrew, who are now bazillionaires, thanks to the Twitter IPO.
Of course, they are going share that with this site.
What kind of Bling should we get?

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15 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Isn’t it time we had a real 10K mansion?

glacial's avatar

@filmfann Totally. Plus, private jets so that we can all get there.

chyna's avatar

Congratulations guys!
Well deserved.

As far as bling, I think a 10K mansion would be perfect.

PhiNotPi's avatar

Does anyone actually know how much money Bendrew got from the IPO? It would be an interesting statistic.

filmfann's avatar

Yeah, a Bazillion. It’s right at the top of the screen.

glacial's avatar

As a late joiner, I’m going to guess that Ben and Andrew won’t be getting build-mansions-for-all-your-friends money. But we can always dream. :)

In related news, Jelly is apparently “very close” to launching.

Coloma's avatar

I think there should be daily contests for “best Q.” ” Best answer” etc. A 10k grand prize to the weeners!

janbb's avatar

@glacial Looks awfully Flutherish

Adagio's avatar

What is Jelly?

janbb's avatar

A new product that we think is a Q&A site that Ben and one of the founders of Twitter are developing.

Seek's avatar

^ If so, our profiles better transfer, and we should all be given aristocratic titles.

cookieman's avatar

^^ Agreed.

Adagio's avatar

@janbb thanks for the info : ^)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Will they make us get Twitter accounts now?

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy According to my knowledge both Ben and the other guy have left Twitter.

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