What is better in life now that you've stopped having pets ?
Asked by
Aster (
November 9th, 2013
You’ve had pets for years, they’ve passed on or run away and now you have none. What is it about your life that is better without pets or are you getting new ones?
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19 Answers
WE wouldn’t be without a super crazy cat,our life is much to busy for a dog,but a cat fits in just great.
Thanks but I wondered about people who have no pets.
My dog Molly died last year and I thought I would be better off without another dog. I could come and go as I pleased and not have to worry about finding a sitter or getting home right after work to let a dog out and feed them.
That lasted about 2 months. I found myself looking on the internet for abandoned dogs that needed a home. I got another one within 3 months of losing Molly.
So my answer is, nothing in my life was better without a dog. I missed having a dog to come home to.
I don’t think that I’ll ever be without pets.
I’ve had them all of my life.
Never not had pets, can’t see that changing anytime…ever!
Oh @Aster, I laughed at your question! I’ve always thought of myself as a pet person, but I will admit that although I miss my last cat dearly, I do not miss changing litter, being woken at all hours, slimy hairballs, pawprints on the counter, the cost of cat food, or having to adapt travel plans all for her sake.
I think of all of these things whenever I am tempted to get another pet. I suppose I will do it eventually, because the pros do ultimately outweigh the cons for me… but yeah, the cons do weigh on me.
EDIT: I will also say that it’s nice to be able to tell my dog-having friends to bring their dogs over without hesitation.
It would be nice to not constantly have to de-fur my couches, rugs, clothes, and bed. It would be nice to not have to worry about how long she’s left alone. It would be nice to not have to buy expensive medicine for her hip dysplasia and recurring lip infections. It would be nice to cuddle with my husband on the couch without Daisy getting pissed off about it. It would be nice to not have to pick up dog shit in our yard or cat shit in the litter box. It would be nice to not have to buy dog and cat food, animal toys, and kitty litter.
Despite all that, I’d never give up my pets. Once they’re gone, I’m sure I’ll get others. There’s nothing like the love of a pet.
Life without our little bundles of joy would be so sad. They are a touchstone to authenticity. They are innocent, devoted, delightfully unique in their little personalities, entertaining, comforting, and powerful magicians as they absolutely wend their way into the deepest part of your heart in the twinkling of an eye.
The whole energy of the house is transformed by their presence.
I would never not want them to be near me. We love our little guys (puppies, 1 year old), more than it is rational to say. Sometimes I think they are not just dogs, but some form of mythic creatures with supernatural powers. LOL.
I have worked my fanny off for years being the hippie farm woman, and now that I have lost my little micro-farm well…I still have my 2 adored cats, but, inspite of all the daily chores, I miss my geese beyond words. I was just joking with a kid at my local feed/pet supply place getting cat food the other day. Said how much I missed the smell of breaking open bales of pine shavings for my barn.
Got me thinking, I bet I have shoveled and spread and mucked out at least 50 tons of pine shavings over the last 22 years. haha
I miss that lifestyle dearly but getting older did make all that work harder on the old bod.
I went many years without pets of any sort, but I didn’t notice any specific difference other than not having to buy feed and give it to him. I do have a dog now, and I have lots and lots of dog fur in and on everything.
The smaller dog and two cats that live here get on the counters and eat things they find, or scatter food on the floor. I am told the house smells, but I am used to it.
@YARNLADY Who is rude enough to tell you that your house smells?
@livelaughlove21 A real estate agent we consulted. When houseing prices were high, we considered selling.
(I’d better not read this thread.)
Over the years we have had cats, a dog, plus others. We all know the positives a pet brings. But your question is about the other side of the coin.
Here are some positives I have discovered by not replacing pets:
– The house is cleaner.
– The floors don’t have muddy paw prints.
– There are no cat hairs for allergies.
– The air is fresher.
– My PC hard drives don’t get clogged with hair and last a long time.
– I do not have any animal chewed wires.
– Furniture lasts longer.
– I do not need to worry about them running off outdoors and getting eaten by the coyote in the area.
– I don’t need to bother with pet food, pet medicines, vet bills, pet toys, etc.
– I can come and go when I wish.
– I can run an experiment at home and not worry about injuring a pet.
– The motion detection equipment is not falsely tripped by a cat or dog.
– The only bathroom needs I must worry about are my own.
(That said, they sure are a comfort sometimes.)
I just came back from a week away and I was reminded, by staying in a time share that was very easy to keep clean, that life at home without cats would be so much cleaner. The floors stayed pretty clean, and if they got messy, they were very easy to clean with a wipe of a damp rag. The furniture had no hair on it and neither did my clothes. There was no litter floating around a litter box and no spare food drifting around cat bowls. There were no cats incessantly wrestling and fighting with each other. I came home thinking how nice it was not to have to deal with cats. Still, I have them and so now I guess we’re a team until they die.
@livelaughlove21: Real estate agents are doing their job in telling the client about the positives and negatives of the property. It’s not “rudeness,” it’s honesty.
@jca It depends on how they say it. “This house stinks” is rude. And unprofessional.
@livelaughlove21: Yes, that would be a rude way to put it. However, since @YARNLADY did not say that the realtor said it that way, I am not going to assume they did.
If my house stunk I’d want to know. Especially if you’re going to be putting it on the market. Nothing rude about that!
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