General Question

Kardamom's avatar

Has anybody had any problems with Facebook, regarding adding a specific recipient to receive your posts, but the recipient says they didn't/can't see the post?

Asked by Kardamom (33583points) November 9th, 2013

A few days ago, I had some serious news to share with select friends and family on Facebook. I always use that little gear button to send posts to “specific people” rather than to everyone in my list. 3 of my cousins are always included on my list of recipients, and I check it every single time.

One of my cousins, because of alphabetization, is always the first one on the list of recipients so it’s easy to see that she is listed.

Her sister PM’d me this morning to say that this cousin was very upset and concerned that I’d omitted her from the post, and thought that I didn’t want her to know my news. I checked both of the postings (I sent 2 about the same subject) and the concerned cousin, along with the other 2, were all listed as recipients. I always send all of my posts to all 3 of these cousins.

The main reason that my cousin was probably so upset, is that my news concerned something that is a very serious issue for her too, something that we share in common, so I can understand why she was upset.

Anyway, I wrote PM’s to both of these cousins (who are sisters) explaining that I checked the posts and all of them are listed as recipients to both of the postings about this particular subject, and then I cut and pasted the text into a PM to the cousin who is so upset. This just happened a few minutes ago, so I have not yet heard back from either of them. I’m sure they’ll understand.

I also sent these same posts to 2 close friends and have not heard a word from either one of them (which is not like them, considering the seriousness of the subject matter). So I figure that it must just be a Facebook glitch, even though I can clearly see all of their names in my recipients list.

Have any of you ever experienced this situation? I noticed last week that I posted a bunch of funny interesting things to some friends and relatives and got no “likes” and no comments at all on about 10 postings, which is unusual. I checked the recipients names on those posts and they’re all visible to me, on my end, but I suspect that they’re not getting through to the recipients.

Any ideas?

P.S. To those of you are/were concerned about me, I’m doing fine now, thanks for all the good wishes.

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6 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I use email when I need to get the news out to people. FB can be a problem and not consistent in delivery.
Continued good wishes.

Kardamom's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Ha Ha, the only reason I joined was dragged onto Facebook is because none of my relatives and most of my friends don’t/won’t use e-mail anymore. Grrrrrr.

I check that little gear thingee every time I make a post, to make sure that the correct people are receiving my posts. Like, I don’t gush about Alan Rickman to male cousins. I wish my male cousins would stop including me in their posts about baseball. LOL.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

;>) @Kardamom
FB is good for posting gushes for baseball players and latest baby pictures for uncles and aunts, in my opinion it is not a replacement for emails or phone calls.

Kardamom's avatar

@Tropical_Willie But what can I do if they won’t use e-mails or the phone?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not talk to them or send individual messages from your “Chat” on FB.

Kardamom's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I had to resort to the private messages today. Another friend came on Facebook today with the same problem. She said she had posted several pictures within this week and no one seemed to respond (which was unusual) so she asked us if we had seen the pictures and we all said no. I did a test yesterday, just asking my recipients if they could actually see the post. All of the one’s whom I’d been thinking could not see the posts, did not respond. I ended up PM’ing my cousin and she said she couldn’t see the test, even though her name was at the top of the recipient’s list.

Not talking to my relatives is not a good option. I’m on good terms with all of them and we get together regularly for family events. That’s how they pass on information. They just don’t use old fashioned types of communication, as many of them are younger than me.

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