Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's new in your neck of the woods?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37819points) November 9th, 2013

Hawaii is one step closer to marriage equality, and this is a very big deal to this gay man.

What’s in your local news?

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11 Answers

Neodarwinian's avatar

We in New Mexico are deciding this issue now.

Some county clerks have already granted same sex licenses. I think the New Mexican Supreme Court is on this case now.

Conversely ( so to speak inaccurately ), anti-abortion activists have put a measure on the ballot in Albuquerque about this 20 week thing. It is said to be unreadable.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve been seeing a lot of news about the new hikes for flood insurance. I’m in FL, in the Tampa Bay area, water is all around us. To give yu an idea a house I was considering buying, the current owners were paying about $650 a year for flood insurance. When I called to find out what I would be paying if I bought it, it was $6,000 a year. They talk about realtors being worried about how it will impact the market, which has been turning around the last two years.

Also, the former Republican Governor, Charlie Crist, will be running in the next election as a Democrat. He ran as an independent and lost. I think he has a really good chance as a dem.

Seek's avatar

Crist would have won last term if he had been able to run as a Dem. He seriously split the vote. That’s how we ended up with the current Crackpot-In-Chief.

JLeslie's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I agree. I know people who voted Dem afraid voting for Crist would split the vote. Maybe if everyone who was afraid of a split vote had voted for Crist he would have won. Some irony there.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Our local obnoxious news in Arizona: I hope Jodi Arias is one step closer to getting either sentenced to death or life in prison without parole. I’m so sick of still hearing her mentioned in the news with the ongoing legal BS that is surrounding her case.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m in the Great Corruption known as Illinois.

Headlines today were that Mike Cook, a 43yo circuit judge in East St. Louis, was given 18 months in prison for using heroin. He also agreed to surrender his 45 guns.
The investigation has been ongoing since March, when Joe Christ, a new associate judge and longtime prosecutor, died while using cocaine with Cook. Their supplier, a former probation officer, was also arrested.

Maybe they all should have just moved to Toronto?

OneBadApple's avatar

Well, let’s see…George Zimmerman still lives around here and can’t seem to stay off the police dept’s radar. Two speeding violations and one police emergency response to his house around the corner after he had some kind of dust-up with his ex-wife and father-in-law.

No arrests, but the friggin’ news helicopters were flying around up there for hours.

SavoirFaire's avatar

A heart attack beat out cancer to win the governorship. Uncle Ruckus lost the lieutenant governorship, and we probably won’t have an attorney general until December (and they say one vote can’t make a difference).

Berserker's avatar

New Target stores opened up all over Québec. There’s one at our mall.

It fucking sucks.

Skylight's avatar

Periodically, I get to the point where I feel the need to free myself from that which I use to clutter my sense of self and identity.

I have always had beautiful, thick, healthy hair, and it has been a part of my ‘charisma’ & reputation for a very long time. As a result of the depth of my process, two days ago I shaved my head. First, I had to cut off a thick braid almost 2 feet long. That inspired a tear or two, as my hair was kind of like an old friend.

I had done this before about 16 years ago. However, that was due to an unfortunate experience at the salon. My hair was down to my butt then, as it was two days ago.

So now I am just luxuriating in my nakedness. I am feeling the sensations of air wafting over my bare head. When anyone touches my head, a tingling goes through my whole body.

I am free from all I felt it contributed to how I express in the world. Its awesome. I was so ready.

Now I get to make use of my hat collection. I am consciousness. This body is a vehicle. Sometimes, it is good to connect with that on a very deep level. I feel like a zen monk! Lol.

I will let it grow to be the color it wants to be. But it will be good to act out different scenarios of myself. Life is change. Identity is change. How we remain vital is breaking away from self created imprisonment and kicking away our crutches at times.

So that has been interesting.

OneBadApple's avatar

Wow. That was MUCH more intriguing than new Target stores.

(Sorry, @Symbeline)

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