It doesn’t matter where a caring heart is on the planet, such unimaginable destruction is heartbreaking. It is the worst storm to hit land in recorded history.
People think they can tamper with weather systems, as well as ignore scientific evidence of global warming, and nothing will occur? On Friday, March 11, 2011, a Tsunami wave of gargantuan proportion slaughtered hit Japan. Is this not, along with the plethora of hurricanes and tornadoes occurring now a wake up call?
We are all connected. Debris washing up onto shore in the U.S from the Tsunami in Japan is a reminder of that. There are many levels upon which we connect with other countries to lead the lives we live on a daily basis.
We are all one species. What happens to one part of us, reverberates throughout our species like waves in a pond hit by a rock.
May all hearts join in love and support of this surreal, disorienting devastation felt by our brothers and sisters. May we know that tomorrow, it may be us in the path of nature’s wrath, and be grateful for each day that we enjoy the peace of the gentle side of this ancient deity.
Mother nature is fierce beyond comprehension. She inhabits a delicate balance of many systems. This balance has been tampered with by human ignorance, and human arrogance. I shudder to look into the future of our civilization on this planet. What’s done is done. Warnings were not fully heeded, and now there is no going back.
What could anyone think of it? It is an overwhelming loss of precious, precious life in this world.
That my spiritual beliefs strongly speak to there being no real death, only the dropping away of this physical body and moving onto greater life, does not diminish my deep compassion for these people.