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Dutchess_III's avatar

Is it cheating to buy the same gift for more than one child on your Christmas list?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 10th, 2013

I had just three kids at one time. Rick had 2. They’re grown now, and between the 5 of them they managed to explode with 15 kids of their own. It is just about impossible to find a gift that seems to be “just right” for each grandkid, especially the ones we don’t know very well because they live so far away.

When I was a kid I always wanted a rock polishing kit. I know that two of my grandkids would love one as well, and quite possibly one of Rick’s grand kids (all in different homes.) Do you think the kids would care one way or the other if they got the same gift? One is 5, one is 8 (those two would know they got the same present) and the other is 11 (he wouldn’t know he got the same present. He’s one that lives far away.)

If I could find a similarly awesome gift for the rest, 2 or 3 at a time, that I think each one would truly enjoy, is it so bad to take advantage of that, even if the others knew they got the same thing?

Seems to me that this kind of worry and stress around this time is the ultimate antitheses of what Christmas is supposed to be about. :(

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15 Answers

fluthernutter's avatar

I don’t think giving duplicate gifts would be cheating. It’s just a little lazy. But with fifteen grandkids to keep track of, I doubt anyone would blame you.

I probably wouldn’t give every kid a rock tumbling kit. Not because it’s a duplicate, but because each house doesn’t need more than one. I know with kids, it’s easy for a small house to get overwhelmed with kid stuff. If my kids got two of the same thing—especially something that they could easily share, I’d be like What the heck?

The other thing too is that I doubt they all popped out twins and triplets. So they’re probably different ages. They’re bound to have different interests.

I would choose a gift for each age range. Duplicates among your grandkids. (Doubt they’d care that they got the same as their cousin.) But not duplicates in the same household.

If you like educational toys, you should check out Steve Spangler or maybe Think Geek for the older kids.

Have fun! Don’t stress!

Seek's avatar

I wouldn’t worry. If the kids are going to enjoy it, it might actually be cool for them to get involved in the same hobby. They can compare the rocks they’ve found and what they’ve done with them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks @fluthernutter. I’ll look at those websites. FYI, in the details I made note that I was thinking of 3 specific kids,out of the 15, that I thought would enjoy it the most, noted their ages and the fact that they all live in different houses. I never suggested getting ALL the kids the same gift, and certainly not the twins, who are too young for such a gift anyway.

I thought about that too @Seek_Kolinahr. We have this thing about collecting rocks in all of our collective houses (at least on my side…not sure about Rick’s side.) I think they’d have a blast working together. :)

Thinking about a metal detector next…. I just need to make a list of really cool things then put down kid’s names next to them. Maybe that would make a good question.

fluthernutter's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oh whoops! I must have skimmed the details too quickly. I’m not much of a morning person and I’m still waking up. :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

Those were cool websites! I like the snow one. But I’m trying to imagine making snow outside when we already have a foot of snow on the ground! :) I’m still asleep too. I’ll look through them in more detail in a bit. THANKS!

fluthernutter's avatar

@Dutchess_III Glad you like them. :)
[hits the snooze button]

longgone's avatar

No. They won’t care, unless they’re extremely jealous. I’ve done it.

snowberry's avatar

Go for it. It will be great for each one of them. If they try to one-up each other in gifts you’re wasting your money anyway.

Dutchess_III's avatar

True that @snowberry!

Next question…ya’ll get to help!

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think it is cheating at all. If anything it might help eliminate kids being jealous of the gift the other kid received. A great gift is a great gift, whether a several kids received the same one is irrelevant.

YARNLADY's avatar

I often give identical gifts to several children in the same family. It helps avoid arguing. I usually personallize it with their name or something similar.

janbb's avatar

I think it is fine.

Skylight's avatar

Go for it! Don’t give it a thought. It absolutely is not cheating in any way, shape or form. What about bosses who give all of their company employees the same thing?

My husband has twin girls, now grown, and they WANTED the same things.

A gift is a gift is a gift and kids love them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you for your answers! Really. I was a leetle worried about it before, but I’m not now. And my online Christmas folder is stuffed! Thanks!

I especially like the step stools. The two year old is in the phase of wanting to “help wash the dishes/play in the water.” That’ll be perfect for her!

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