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Should I return to my old "talk" therapist or seek a new one?
Recent events in my life have left me drained and depressed. I’m strongly considering seeing a therapist again and I’m not sure if I want to return to my old therapist.
On the one hand, she knows so much about my life and relationships. She was the one who counseled me about my family stuff, school issues and problems with my then current girlfriend. She is uniquely positioned to pickup from where we last left off (perhaps 14 months ago). This could be very helpful considering that a lot my current depression stems from isseus relating to my now ex-girlfriend.
On the other hand, I’m not sure how effective she was. She wasn’t bad per se, but I found her somewhat less effective than a previous therapist (who moved away). The first one was really quite fantastic at giving me insight into other people’s thoughts and feelings. The second one was a good listener and offered solid advice, but I felt I made less progress with her in a longer period of time than with my first.
Part of me feels like I should move on and try to find someone new who might be more effective, though I’m not looking forward to having to relate the entire story of what’s been bothering me for that past 1.5 years (or perhaps fearing my version will be heavily biased). My most recent therapist might have some insight into my relationship because she was there as it was happening; like many people, I might just be looking back at the past through rose-colored glasses and could use a reality check.
Any thoughts?
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