How are you, really?
Asked by
Haleth (
November 11th, 2013
What’s going on in your life these days? How do you feel about it?
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23 Answers
Going back to work after over a week off – pleasant little vacation with my daughter. Upcoming two months will be busy with holiday season stuff, parties at work, etc. Other than that, trying to organize my house better.
Pretty excited because I will be going to Kerala next month to attend my brother’s engagement.
Right this very minute, I’m dazed and confused, because I don’t have a rehearsal or performance to attend.
I’m good, though. I directed a successful play. I have happy and healthy children. Tomorrow, I will begin marking up the script for my next production, which will be Antony and Cleopatra.
I would appreciate it if my doctor would stop bugging me about my cholesterol levels.
There are only a few leaves left on the tree outside my window. Winter isn’t so bad here, because it never gets too cold, but it’s so dreary. We don’t really get snow, just this wintry mix nonsense. The light is thin and pale and everything is brown and grey. My imagination sort of hibernates all winter. Anyway, I probably won’t see the sun until after Christmas, because I’ll be working so darn much.
I’m possibly having a quarter-life crisis, and making the beginnings of plans to move to a charming coastal city in a year or two. Charleston, SC is at the top of the list.
Also, I found the best sweater today. It’s dark brown, with wide sleeves and a big hood. When I wear a tan shirt underneath, it looks like I’m a Jedi! It’s the little things.
Not looking forward to the cold. In fact already hating it. But I found a new person to ski with. I think it will be fun.
Apprehensive yet hopeful I am on the cusp of so much change. Some of those changes I am eager for.
I just uncovered the a hat I knitted while I was packing. Completely forgot I had it. Love it.
Just becoming summer here in Aus still miserable weather, as for my life, my friends are being bitches to me for nothing so all in all, not so great
wow, I am stunned. either my life really sucks, or I just can’t look on the bright side. everyone else seems so chipper. I feel the need for approval just to go ahead with mine. maybe I could try to make a positive spin on mine somehow. that would be a good experiment.
No worries @anniereborn not everyone put a spin on theirs. Sometimes it takes a while to find the good. Other times it’s helpful. Either way lay it on.
Stressed to the max.
Sunday night, our dog got ahold of and devoured an entire pack of sugar free gum containing xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and can cause liver failure and death. We took her to the emergency vet and didn’t get her back until last night. We’ve spent $900 in the past 36 hours and she’s still not in the clear.
I’m an unemployed college student and my husband works hard to support us both. We have credit card bills to pay, including the vet bills, and the financial strain is really getting to me. We’re fine right now, but I’m worried I won’t be able to secure a job after my December graduation for awhile. I feel guilty that he’s working so hard and I can’t get a job because I’m taking six courses and finals are coming up. He tells me not to worry about it and that he’ll take care of it, but I still feel horrible about it.
Yep, stressed just about covers it.
Searching for many answers to qquestions I can’t wrap my head around.
To add to the list of stressed and tired users, I have a perfect storm of items at work and I’m rapidly sinking.
A little stressed as my first monthly graduate school submission is due soon – but I’ll get it done.
A little beat up, as I just contracted a cold – but I’ll get over it.
A little surprised, as I have more vacation time left than I thought – so I’m taking two-and-a-half weeks off in December. woot!
In general, life is good.
S.S.D.D. (Same shit, different day).
I am so happy with everything, except for my cat, he has been sick lately and I worry about him all the time, and feel guilty when I’m gone too long. :(
I have turned into the guy who I used to make fun of, but am pretty sure I could still kick my 25-year-old self’s ass..
So…..put me down for…...‘Satisfactory’
Running scared. Afraid of the unknown and unforgiving future.
Fucked… Thinking about walking in to the local registry office and start taking hostages.
I have been trying to get married for so long now, and the governments have done nothing but cause problems. We get treated like cattle that are owned by the state, and it has basically got to the point that I hope they are all next on the suicide bombers to do list.
Still depressed and upset and wondering why she won’t just talk to me…
I’ve had bronchitis for a month. Being pregnant, I wet my pants daily during a coughing fit. Every couple of days the coughing fit is so bad I vomit.
Now I have pneumonia. I’m on my second antibiotic. I can’t hear and have a lot of ear pressure on the right side. My head is constantly pounding and throbbing. I spend all day laying in bed with a humidifier blowing near my face.
We don’t have cable and my TV antenna only works periodically. There’s not even TV to entertain me.
My tub had a hole in it and the expensive fix didn’t work, so it all had to be replaced. So tomorrow, for the third morning in a row, I will be listening to the plumbers work in the bathroom. Yet another bill to go on a credit card.
And I have diarrhea.
Loaded question! :) I am ok considering my life at the moment. Too many challenging things all at once have come my way. BIG life challenges.
I haven’t been well for about two months now and I’m really getting tired of it.
I’m also worried about my dad taking on too much by taking care of my mom at home. He’s not getting much sleep because my mom can’t sleep due to the pain she is in. Her doctor recommended hospice care for a few days to get her pain under control, but my mom doesn’t want to leave her home. We think she’ trying to hold on until their 45th wedding anniversary on December 6th. I’m afraid she’s not going to be with us for much longer.
Health problems suck. At least I have all three of my children home for the weekend. That’s made me very happy.
A few months ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I am fine, but because I am trying to watch my carbs, I am constantly hungry. I am losing a lot of weight (34 pounds in the last 10 weeks). I am healthier, and it isn’t difficult to manage, but I miss carelessly snacking without counting carbs.
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