New dog on the block! How do I find a friendly fire hydrant-help?
Greetings, fellow flutherites! Any advice on how to navigate around this joint? Is there a main board that I can access? How do you find q@a here? All input is appreciated!
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14 Answers
Even I’m new here, Just go through HELP for more details. The Moderaters would be glad to help.
As @Smitha said, our help section is thorough and, well, helpful.
Take a look at the Guidelines, and dive right in!
The General section is for more serious, on topic stuff, Social is for lighter fare, and Meta is for Fluther-specific stuff (for example, this question will probably be moved into Meta shortly by one of our talented and longsuffering Moderators).
If there’s something in particular you’re looking for, the Search box at the top can help. Otherwise, the questions are on the page in the order they’re asked, most recent at the top.
Feel free to PM any of us for additional assistance, as we love to help. You can find the moderators here .
^ I just used the word “help” way too many times in a row. Kick in, coffee!
Welcome new dog! When I was a new pup, I cruised the ‘hood for bit and got the hang of things before I marked my territory. Mind your grammar p’s and q’s @dougiedawg, as writing standards keep Fluther at the head of the pack. It’s arf-ful nice to see new doggies on the trail; we hope you stay!
Squirts a territorial piss :)
Welcome to Fluther. Dive right in. The water’s fine.
Welcome. Social, General and Meta are the three grouping’s. Looking forward to your input.
Most of the discussion seems to happen in Social. General is for when you actually have a question about something and want useful answers. You already found Meta and used it correctly, highfive! so it seems like you’re on the right track. :)
Welcome, @dougiedawg, happy you’ve joined us. But if you have to piddle, a General habit among canines, please be SOCIAL-able and do it outside. ;-)
Oh, very well housebroken by my kindly but firm master. No need to worry but on the other hand I hope YOUR own yard is a spacious one and downwind from the neighbors:) Ungawa!
It is so good to see you here. It took me a few days to get out of the fog, then all of a sudden it was a piece of cake – though I still have a lot to learn.
You’ll adapt faster than I did I’m sure. You’re going to be a valuable addition to this family.
Hey doudog!
This is kind of the anti-Askville. Instead of asking a question and seeing it buried in an hour, questions here can live of actively for days, weeks, months.
Dive in. The more you participate, the more activity you’ll see. At first, remain polite at all times an ignore anything you might see as a slight…there are a lot of inside jokes and site-specific lingo here. So far as I’ve seen, you’re going everything right so far.
Another good ‘un, migrated from Askville lost! If you have any contact information for other good Askvillieans, let them know that a number of us have found refuge here.
Thanks, bro. Will pass it on once I find my position on the food chain;)
@dougiedawg Well, don’t worry about taking the time to smell my butt again…it hasn’t changed enough from Askville to warrant wasting your time. :D
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