Meta Question

janbb's avatar

A modest request: If you are a Jelly and send me a FB Friend Request, can you let me know who you are here?

Asked by janbb (63361points) November 12th, 2013

Otherwise I won’t know who you are and won’t respond.

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15 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

April=KnowItAll, pretty sure we’re friends already. :)

I accept everyone, look at their profile and if it looks hinky, de-friend a few minutes later…lol

janbb's avatar

I don’t want to blow anyone’s cover here, just if you friend me on FB, let me know who you are here. Or pm me.

JLeslie's avatar

Seriously, I never understand why people don’t do that. Sometimes I ask a mutual friend who they are.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie I do too but it would be so much simpler if they just let you know.

Seek's avatar

I tried once to make a list of avatars vs. real names, but most of the people who responded to my request I knew already.

I generally approve if they have Auggie as a mutual friend, and then pretend I know who they are. Haha.

Rarebear's avatar

I generally don’t “friend” people who use fake names.

janbb's avatar

@Rarebear They don’t have fake names there, they have them here. Or is your name really Mr. Rare Bear?

Blondesjon's avatar

I am Spartacus.

janbb's avatar

@Blondesjon Oh – you are so busted!

Rarebear's avatar

No, I am Spartacus!

JLeslie's avatar

No, I am a Spartan! Gooooo Green!

hearkat's avatar

I have several people whom I am unsure who they are or what website I know them from, except by friends we have in common. I use my same pseudonym on FB as I do here because I befriend numerous people from all over the world on various websites, so this is my real internet name. It helps avoid such confusion.

Judi's avatar

I thought we were friends but I keep getting a suggestion of someone else using your avatar. Maybe I’m just confused.

augustlan's avatar

You used to be able to send a message to a non-friend on Facebook, to let them know who you are. Unfortunately, that no longer seems to work. Sometimes it flat out won’t let you send a message if you’re not already friends. And if the message does get sent, it sits in a wasteland called “other messages”, that no one ever checks. Fail.

Often, jellies will message me on FB to see if I know who so-and-so is (when they can see that we have Fluther friends in common).

Seek's avatar

How about sending a PM here?

I just a sent you a friend request on facebook; initials are A. M.

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