Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Africa has some countries with trillion dollar notes and the bills or notes. Yet we don’t call the holders of such notes trillionaires?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 12th, 2013

Even though the currency is worthless is a trillionaire a trillionaire?
Or does it have to be in US currency or gold to count?

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4 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

Its in rand. look up the exchange- a trillion rand isn’t a trillion dollars lol

ucme's avatar

With the pound being stronger than the dollar, we have millionaires/billionaires & trillionaires.
Americans have to make do with the label “dollar millionaire”

talljasperman's avatar

@ucme @trailsillustrated Thank you… it think the country was Zimbabwe or such…rands .

ucme's avatar

I remember the Italian lire, in the days before the euro, a fucking loaf of bread cost around 50,000.

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