General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What different standards for currency can we be on?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 12th, 2013

Other than the gold standard. What else could the currency of the planet been on?

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6 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

Ghana’s cedi is named after the seashells they used to use as currency.

ragingloli's avatar

After the nuclear holocaust next year, bullets.
Or bottlecaps, if you are into fallout nonsense.

Seek's avatar

^ Bullets, booze, and can openers.

bolwerk's avatar

Currency can be pegged to any commodity, or to other currencies. Or commodities themselves can be used as currency. Cigarettes were popular in post-WWII Europe.

There are also private currencies that might be accepted within certain groups.

zenvelo's avatar

The full faith and credit of the United States. There is no reason to base a currency on anything other than as an agreed store of value.

Economics will cause an economy to arrive at an agreed value. Price something to low, and it will be bought up; price it too high and no one will buy. Equilibrium will be found.

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