Social Question

Howard Bloom: Insane, genius, both?
About a couple of years ago, I found out about this man called Howard Bloom , when I came across him on youtube.
I don’t quite know what to make of the man, or even how to describe him to you if you don’t know who he is already. He is basically a kind of thinker, author and music producer who has contacts in NASA, and has been known to associate with a real amazing collection of people.
He kind of loves the sound of his own voice, but he is still entertaining, an in my opinion, well worth listening to, as he does have a lot of wisdom, even if he does also have a lot of crazy ideas.
I just can’t make my mind up on him, if he is absolutely insane, a genius, or if his mind has just crumbled under the pressure of said genius.
If you know who I mean. What do you think?