Social Question

Would you like to share your expertise with the collective? Ask me anything-style.
I have no clue if this will work here or not, but here goes!
This is an “ask me anything” question. If you have an interesting life experience or area of expertise, post it below in bold. Other jellies can ask you about it, and maybe we will learn something new!
For now, let’s try this format and see if it works. We all post our Q&As in this question; it’s a big free-for-all. (I think people are more likely to share this way than making their own AMA questions, unprompted.) Within that, we can use formatting to keep it organized.
1) Write your story or area of expertise in all bold.
2) Make ample use of the @ sign to Ask people Anything.
3) If you answer someone’s question, write a little header in bold that summarizes the discussion topic.
@Haleth says:
I live on a rooftop and feed the carrier pigeons. Ask me anything.
@Wakawakawaka says:
@Haleth Do you have many pen pals? What do you feed them?
@Haleth says:
feeding the pigeons
@Wakawakawaka I’m pen-BFFs with lots of big hollywood stars, and the local law enforcement. They write me things like it’s a “health department violation” and I should “put some clothes on.” Those jokers! My pigeons are my babies, so they get only the finest. I go shopping at the local organic market, then come home and cook them a gourmet meal on the rooftop. It’s hard to cook when your stove is a trash can full of burning garbage, but I think the smell adds a certain je ne sais quoi.
For some background, the meta question about this is here.