Social Question

ucme's avatar

If it were up to you, it'd be illegal to...what exactly?

Asked by ucme (50052points) November 14th, 2013

A bunch of pet peeves that, if you had your way, laws of the land would be enforced.
Only make believe of course, but hey, you never know!

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56 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

Have a cell phone in a paid public venue such as a movie theater or concert hall.

elbanditoroso's avatar

…. try and convert unbelievers to your particular religion

…. pass gas in elevators

…. sell anchovies

ibstubro's avatar

not offer anchovies as a pizza topping option.

picante's avatar

All of the above and . . .
Pick or floss your teeth in a public venue
Dispose of your handy plastic flossing device on the ground/street
Walk while looking at a hand-held electronic device
Walk your dog on hot sidewalks/pavements (Texas summers)

Seek's avatar

Use a cell phone for any reason while a car is running. In fact, I’m all for in-automobile dampening fields.

If it’s that important to call someone, pull the frig over. And it is inexcusable to be playing Candy Crush at intersections.

GPS use is acceptable, but it only operates while docked to the dashboard, and can only be set when the car is in “park”.

These are more technical challenges than legal ones, but whatever.

Judi's avatar

@ibstubro , I was in a play and the gentleman sitting next to the woman next to me was playing with his cell phone texting the entire time! After the second act I said that it was really distracting and asked if he would stop. They didn’t come back after intermission. The guy was in his 60’s! What could be so important to interrupt Shakespeare?

ibstubro's avatar

@Judi At least he didn’t friggin come back!

Judi's avatar

Oh, and my new law? Fast lane is for passing only. Cruising around the fast lane pacing the car next to you gets 30 days in jail.

Judi's avatar

@ibstubro , Really! Why go to a show if you’re going to spend the entire time with your face in he blue glow of your phone?

ibstubro's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I’d like to see them offer damping fields like smoking/non-smoking in public places. Restaurants, theaters, etc. I’d be curious to see the split.

Can they only dampen the front seat for cars? Maybe we should just make it illegal the possess a hand held device in the front seat of a moving vehicle.

gailcalled's avatar

@Judi;He hates Shakespeare. His wife made him accompany her. My mother used to drag my father, after a long day’s work, to the ballet, symphony or opera in NYC. He always fell asleep.

ibstubro's avatar

@Judi That is the law in Illinois. You can be fined for cruising in the fast (emergency) lane.

Seek's avatar

Making it illegal won’t make people stop doing it. They’ll just stop doing it when they see a cop car.

I want it to be technically impossible to operate a phone while driving.

Judi's avatar

@ibstubro , if I could handle the weather and if they put an ocean there I would be there in a heartbeat,.

ibstubro's avatar

I understand, @Seek_Kolinahr. They pass all these laws, and all it really means is additional fine/jail time when it’s proven you’ve caused an accident.

I do have a friend that got a $125 fine for using cell phone in a construction zone, however.

ibstubro's avatar

Bleh, spit, @Judi. Taxes are high, the politicians are all crooks. What is it, 5 out of the past 7 governors have served prison time? Stupid crooks.

Seek's avatar

They recently “made it illegal” to text while driving in Florida.

—It’s not a primary stop – meaning, they can’t pull you over just because you’re using your phone.

—The police cannot check the phone to see if you were texting at the time of the pull-over or accident.

—It’s not illegal to search for a phone number or manage your GPS software while driving.

—The law only applies to drivers under the age of 18.

So, there is literally no way to get a ticket for texting while driving. Best part? the people who wrote the law did an interview with all of the local newspapers to explain how they knew the law was unenforceable, and they basically just did it so parents could tell their teenagers that texting and driving is illegal. Because teenagers don’t ever watch the news or read the newspaper, like in their debate teams or current events portion of history classes.

Coloma's avatar

Have child beauty pagents promoting little miss jr. porn stars.

Ban the keeping of exotic wildlife, large cats, monkeys, large constricting snakes etc.

To pay less than $12 an hour for any work barely a “living” wage at best but min. wage…gimme a break!

To reproduce children without psychological evaluations and IQ testing. lol hey you asked haha

Juels's avatar

Flicking cigarette butts and ashes out the car window. Smoking in traffic with the windows open. I always get stuck next to or behind a chain smoker. They hold the cigarette outside their window. As if that will help the smell in their car.

Coloma's avatar

@Juels Haha…well, if I had to choose I’ll take cigarette smoke over freaking rap music with the bass vibrations levitating my car.
Now there’s one, sorry all you youngsters, FUCK RAP, it should seriously be illegal to play rap over volume 2 when in public. lol.
Now gimme some good ol classic rock thank you very much!

flutherother's avatar

Dropping litter: first offence a £25.00 fine. Second offence execution.

Juels's avatar

@Coloma I agree, rap is horrible. However, I’d rather put up with rap music than smokers. Rap makes my head hurt but smoking gets the asthma going. I know several people that have started smoking the electric cigarettes with the vapor when in social situations. I can’t thank them enough!

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

1. Own, or breed, a pit bull.
2. Have a mobile phone turned on while driving, let alone talk on it.
3. Walk and text at the same time – I’m getting tired of playing “chicken” with these people seeing if they’re going to walk right into me or not.
4. Open stores on Thanksgiving Day for the “Big Sale” – let the employees spend the day with their families!
5. Play rap “music” in public.
6. Listen to, or otherwise mention, Miley Cyrus.
7. Blame everything that’s wrong with the country on George Bush!
8. Drive slower than the posted speed in the fast lane on the freeway.

Judi's avatar

@Coloma, I was walking my 2 yo granddaughter across a street when a car pulled up with the rap crap blaring.. I just about cracked up when the baby started bustin’ moves and had some serious shoulder action goin’ on!

Coloma's avatar

@Judi Haha…oh man, it’s being hardwired into their DNA. God help us! lol

Coloma's avatar

Oh, and spitting in public. I had a guy hack one up and spit recently and it missed my shoe by about 2 inches. I was incredulous! REALLY? You are DISGUSTING!

Oh, oh, oh… and blowing your nose at the table, especially in restaurants. Old people are the worst…why are old people always snot laden and while we’re at it, it should be illegal for elderly people to cache their snotty kleenexs for multiple blows. If I become a kleenex hoarder in my ancient age just shoot me I beg of you! haha

ibstubro's avatar

As a side note, the small town I used to live in was proposing a noise ordinance against car stereos. I young man wrote a letter to the local paper that was stream of consciousness (no punctuation or capitalization) regarding other loud noise in town. The paper published the letter verbatim – we suspected tongue in cheek. Well, they passed the car stereo ordinance, but because of that young man’s effort, they also banned ‘jack brakes’ on semi trucks in city limits. He’d never make it on Fluther, but that kid improved the lives of the citizens of that town. Make a difference!

KNOWITALL's avatar

1) Litter
2) Cell phone use via texting in cars
3) Animals not on leashes outside your home (even cats, mine walked with a leash)
4) To make breed-specific laws (see @TheRealOldHippie‘s pit bull comment which is just wrong.)
5) If you cut off someone in traffic or stop short, YOU should be liable for causing harm and pay for everyone’s injuries, etc…

@Coloma I love the wildlife bans as well as parenting IQ requirements, and would also require financial stability.

Coloma's avatar

@KNOWITALL I agree, except financial stability is ever changing, but, at the very least, in the moment for sure. Not being able to send your kid to Harvard is one thing, not being able to provide diapers and food is quite another.

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

KNOWITALL – Pit bulls are dangerous, treacherous (they’ll turn on you in a second) and should be banned. Ask the thousands of people who have been attacked by one for no reason. Or, ask the girl who was in one of my classes who raised one from a puppy and loved it to death. It turned on her one evening for no reason and she has undergone numerous plastic surgeries, not to mention spent God-knows-how-many-hours in therapy since then. Four years later, she still has scars and is facing more plastic surgery. The only reason she survived is because her boyfriend came home while the dog was in the midst of what would have eventually been its killing her and he was able to get to the kitchen and get a knife to use and killed it. Killing is part of these things genetic makeup and it makes no difference how much they’re loved, the damned things are killing machines and should be banned.

marinelife's avatar

Have different kinds of debit and credit card readers at retail outlets. By law, they would all have the same buttons and work the same way.

ibstubro's avatar

…. require a store card to receive the advertised price for an item!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@TheRealOldHippie I’ll respond via PM so we don’t derail this thread, but rest assured, as an owner of several who knows what she’s doing, I’ve never felt in danger whatsoever and thoroughly disagree with your statement.

Coloma's avatar

@TheRealOldHippie Originally Pit Bulls ( known as Staffordshire Terriers ) were called ” Nanny Dogs.”
They were wonderful with children but through cross breeding and breeding for aggressive traits SOME are unstable, but not all. The worst of the worst are showcased as poster dogs for unpredictability. I have no desire to own one, not really a dog person, gimme my kitties and birds, but, the most aggressive dogs I have ever known were a Doberman Pinscher, a Coonhound and an evil Wiener dog as a child.

I don’t believe in backyard breeding of anything, but you cannot condemn an entire breed for the actions of a few. Just like we cannot condemn the whole of humanity based on the Ted Bundys and Hitlers.

Smitha's avatar

Income tax!

ibstubro's avatar

@Smitha They’d just find another way to bleed you dry. Property, personal property, utilities…seems anything can be taxed.

sophiesword's avatar

Smoke in public

Smitha's avatar

@ibstubro True, Here most people come to work because there are no income taxes, value-added taxes, gross sales taxes etc. But in reality there are in fact other types of taxes levied on activities like road tolls, parking fees, hotel bookings etc.

Coloma's avatar

@sophiesword Meh…as long as someone isn’t blowing their smoke in my face, really, people are so militant about smoking but the reality is that one good hit of car exhaust and driving in clouds of carbom monoxide all day long is just as toxic, if not more so as being exposed to a little cigarette smoke. I am one of the few that doesn’t mind of people want to smoke, not in confined places or restaurants, but otherwise, I could care less.

talljasperman's avatar

Push people around.

ucme's avatar

Cheers peeps, some good stuff there.
However, you have all overlooked the one glaring “crime” of the century…wearing socks with sandals!!

Juels's avatar

@ucme I caught my hubby trying that once. Once!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Throw fits and start fights over stupid, trivial things.

Blackberry's avatar

Drive under 40MPH, anywhere lol. That’s right, better not run into your garage when you pull in.

Seriously, though…..No obstructing traffic in the left lane.

ucme's avatar

@Juels Only once can you & only once should you.

hug_of_war's avatar


Seek's avatar

^ I’ll kick you in the pants. Haha.

Blondesjon's avatar

Bitch and whine.

jerv's avatar

Earn more than 100 times what the lowest-paid full-time employee at your company earns per year.

Speed up just to pass somebody and then slow down to slower than they were going before you passed them.

ucme's avatar

Bitch & wine, reminds me of a particularly bad dinner date.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Good one!

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I’m usually against yet more legislation.

I’d rather see the laws already in place be properly enforced.

Top two:

Legal occupation of the United States.

Slower traffic keep motherfucking right.

Haleth's avatar

To use text speak, outside of a text. The internet police would come to your house, and you’d get thirty days in the slammer.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Clicking GA on more than three posts in one thread without also clicking GQ for the person who brought it up.

ucme's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers I get where you’re coming from & thanks.

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