General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can you give me tips on locating online an old flame whose last name has changed?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 14th, 2013

In Canada.

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7 Answers

jca's avatar

Try FB – see if you can find mutual friends and ask them, or check FB groups like school, town, band, camp, whatever. Or see if you can google the person by first and last name and a common place, like town or school.

funkdaddy's avatar

Most people don’t like being “found” online beyond social networks.

If you have mutual friends, that’s a good way to get back in touch.

“Hey, how’s Sally? I heard she got married. <friend talking> That’s great. Do you have her email?”

goes a lot better than

“I googled you Sally and finally found you despite you having a new name and living in a different town. It probably took hours, but I wanted to see your picture. How’s it going?”

jca's avatar

Hi Sally, I’ve been stalking you online! I’m coming over in a half hour. LOL

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I can’t. I would, however, add a word of caution: don’t.

Judi's avatar

It wasn’t an old flame but it was my best friend from 5th grade. I remembered her dad’s name and kept goggling it. One day an obituary showed up and listed my friends new last name under “survived by.” I then found her on Facebook. it took me 40 years but I found her.

Seek's avatar

If she wanted to be found, she would list her Maiden name on her Facebook profile.

hansmagic's avatar

I agree with finding old friends. Then what to do is to find something that you know will make her think. Once you find her. Get her to find you. Be careful not to cause trouble if she is married. If you were close at one time, you will know how to make her think of you.

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