General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Just watching a show called Extreme Cheapskates. How would one get free samples without having to print off coupons?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) November 15th, 2013

Just by filling out questionnaires.

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6 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Oh yeah, I did that for a little while but I found it was too much effort for too small of samples, not worth it for me.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Man, it’s so tempting to get a free thing of deodorant. lol

Haleth's avatar

Set up a separate e-mail account, and sign up for e-mail lists for everything. Companies love marketing through e-mail and will often give you free stuff in exchange for that opportunity.

There’s a group of locals in my neighborhood who are on mailing lists for all the wine shops. Most wine shops have tastings on weekend evenings because that’s when people are out and about. There are usually four or five wines at a time. These folks go from one store to another and get hammered for free. I should be mad, because they never buy anything, but… it’s brilliant!

Most stores have some sort of e-mail list where they post their best sales and offers. A lot of these will give you rewards for tracking your purchases, something on your birthday, etc.

I also like belly bites. It’s a loyalty card/ app that tracks the bejeesus out of your purchasing behavior, but they send offers for free drinks and appetizers and stuff by e-mail.

dougiedawg's avatar

Amazon has a program in which you are given free products to try out and review. You cannot give them or sell them to anyone else including your spouse or significant other. I forget what it is called-sorry.

Seek's avatar

^ @dougiedawg It’s the Vine program, and it’s by invitation only.

dougiedawg's avatar

Okay. Not much help but I tried;)

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