General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How well do you know you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37782points) November 15th, 2013

Since we spend our whole lives in one piece of skin, it’s often hard to gain knowledge about us. Stepping outside our frame of reference takes courage and practice. Sometimes an upheaval occurs that forces us to look inward.

Do you make a make an attempt to see yourself as others do? Have you had any surprises thereby?

I am far from perfect, and I do try to see myself occasionally from a third-party perspective. I know I have limitations, but I am surprised how little I know about me. I was once quite surprised after a stage performance at how lost I was in the character. It was cathartic.

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11 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

It took me a long time but I know myself pretty well now.

Unbroken's avatar

I spend a lot of time trying to know myself but I don’t.

I still surprise myself. And people’s opinions of me astonish or confuse me. Friends or even strangers can make a point about my behavior that either humble’s me or that is very flattering. I’m not saying they are always right but sometimes it strikes a chord, wow I never thought of it that way before.

I don’t think that it is a bad thing I like a little bit of mystery in my life. I know enough to be self aware but not so much I am predictable.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think I know myself and my faults pretty well.

Quick hot temper, impatient, lose interest easily in ignorant people, don’t allow people too close, not emotionally vulnerable, tightwad, etc…

On the plus side, I’m extremely loyal to a few people, I work hard, I am very responsible, I TCOB to make life easy for hubs and other people to my own detriment, if I like you I’ll be a joy in your life, a good pet owner, responsible citizen who helps others, etc…

syz's avatar

After a bit of couples counseling, but more so after communication/leadership workshops, I think I have pretty good handle on it.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Extremely well, I know what makes me tick!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Take Care Of Business. I’m the business person for a lot of people, I’m an expert at paperwork and government bs….lol You have no idea how often formal corporate complaints get thing’s done in the business world. Heck, I took on AT&T with our Atty General and won, too. ;)

hearkat's avatar

I’ve made a point over the past several years to be honest and true with myself and others. I think I know myself as well as anyone can, and I’m the same Kat regardless of whose company I’m in.

Coloma's avatar

Really well. I know exactly what I like, what I don’t like, what I want, what I believe, and am totally comfortable being who I am. I’ve done a lot of personal growth work over the years and the payoff is enormous.

Smitha's avatar

I think I know myself pretty well, but one thing is for sure I know “me” better than anyone else !

El_Cadejo's avatar

As an introvert that has used quite a few hallucinogens I believe I know the ways in which my mind work rather well.

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