Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Am I the only one who creates a computer on a website just for fun and doesn't buy it?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) November 15th, 2013

I just love to see how far advanced retail computers are getting. I think the fastest processor is a Core i7. Maybe I will buy my next computer online but now it is just for fun. Also I try making the cheapest computer as well.

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12 Answers

hearkat's avatar

I do it with cars on the high-end models with ‘build your own’ sites.

It doesn’t hurt to dream.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have, and I do cars too.

Jeruba's avatar

As long as it doesn’t engage a salesperson’s time or in some other way involve a costly resource, thus adding to the retail price for an actual customer, I don’t see any harm in it, but I’ve never done it myself. I can hardly even stand to shop for things I do intend to buy.

johnpowell's avatar

I do it on Apples site all the time. Just to see what selecting every option will cost.

cheebdragon's avatar

Occasionally I like to fill up my sephora cart with all of the products I want (basically everything), then when I see the cost total, I just say “fuck that” and close the browser.

ragingloli's avatar

I did that once. I did it to see how much it would cost me, and which part fit together.
I then proceeded to buy the parts elsewhere.

downtide's avatar

I’ve never done it with computers but I’ve done it with cars. Crazy for a guy who can’t even drive.

cheebdragon's avatar

@downtide why can’t you drive?

jerv's avatar

Every once in a great while, yes. And quite often, it’s to compare prices between an iMac and a PC with comparable specs. Kind of hard to find a desktop PC with a mid-grade laptop GPU though.

downtide's avatar

@cheebdragon because I’m half blind.

cheebdragon's avatar

Pretty good reason.

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