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longgone's avatar

Are the chatrooms ever used?

Asked by longgone (19946points) November 15th, 2013

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30 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

No that’s where we keep the folding chairs and extra table linens.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s rare.

longgone's avatar

Has it always been like this? I came across an old thread yesterday, in which a “campfire”(?) was referenced. That does refer to the chat rooms, right?

dxs's avatar

Occasionally someone will ask to start a chat, but it eventually that dies off (like a campfire). I’ll go on there now. Hopefully there isn’t just one other person there when I sign in because that’ll be so awkward.

longgone's avatar

^ Ah. Thanks! :]

talljasperman's avatar

Some times I chat with my mom in chat.

Kardamom's avatar

@talljasperman Is your Mom on Fluther? Or did you mean in an external chat room?

talljasperman's avatar

@Kardamom My mom is Inspired2write. She is vey busy now and rarely logs on.

Kardamom's avatar

@talljasperman Oh, I didn’t know that, how cool! If she gets the chance, you should have her come on and meet some of the new Askville gang. : )

johnpowell's avatar

The chatrooms used to be really busy. Like there was always three to ten people (the max I ever saw was about sixty active users) in there. There used to be more mods for the chatrooms than the main site.

I used to hang out in there all day.

The big problem with chat rooms is someone needs to actually be in it. One person will do. Look at how often people join and bail when nobody is there. Once you have two people going the rest comes naturally.

You just need a seed.

I actually list the people in chat on my site in the sidebar. It seems to help let people know that someone is in there.

longgone's avatar

^^ Interesting. Do you stay logged in, even when you’re not chatting, but browsing Fluther?

johnpowell's avatar

Not on Fluther. I do on my own site. I just leave it open in a tab. There are audio notifications so if someone enters or types something I can hear it and switch tabs. I have been chatting with Allie all day and we are both working. It is pretty easy to keep a few things going at once.

longgone's avatar

Ah, okay, now I get it. I wonder why it’s changed so much on Fluther.

johnpowell's avatar

I’m not really sure. I got pissed off and bailed and a few months later when I checked back in it was dead. I was a mod of the chatroom and it was getting really childish and the other mods were being dicks. There was a pretty negative vibe in the room at the time and we were getting shit from mods that never even went in the chatroom for trying to clean it up.

ucme's avatar

The tw@room is where jellies who like to converse with themselves go, kind of like therapy minus the expense.

longgone's avatar

@johnpowell Hm, weird. Thanks for telling me all that!
@ucme I like that. I may try it sometime. Sounds relaxing, having the internet to yourself… perfect for an introvert.

ucme's avatar

@longgone You could sit in there for hours, maybe even lose an argument with yourself.

longgone's avatar

^^ Oh, that I’ve done plenty of times.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Like the others have said, they aren’t used much these days, but they use to see a lot more activity. I remember quite a few fun nights in the chat room. Most of the users that were in the chat room back then haven’t been on Fluther in a long time and some have left completely.

longgone's avatar

^^ I had a fun time there yesterday :]

Kardamom's avatar

@longgone I hope you put all of the tables and chairs away, before you left : )

syz's avatar


longgone's avatar

@Kardamom I threw ‘em out….installed a hanging chair and fridge instead. Plus some book cases…and a Jacuzzi. Henceforth, the Watering Hole shall be known as longgone’s lagune.

Kardamom's avatar

Hmmmm, maybe we could start serving little tea sandwiches and funnyons!

longgone's avatar

All right! You shall be my head chef. What’s for high tea, dear?

dxs's avatar

‘Twas a blast yesterday

longgone's avatar

^^ It was :]

Kardamom's avatar

Oh you just had to ask didn’t you : P

Well, of course we’ll start with these Tea Sandwiches maybe on any given day, we’ll serve 5 different kinds.

Of course we’ll have tea, but we’ll also have This

And for snacks we’ll have These for the veggies and These for everybody else.

For desserts we’ll serve This and This and This

We will of course have a vending machine stocked with These

longgone's avatar

Of course I had to! I love your plans, especially that cake. And vegan spring rolls, yum. NO Funyuns though. I hate onion flavoured snacks so just…no.

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