I just stopped playing World of Warcraft... how do I get missions in real life? I'm completely lost.
I have cable, internet, and home phone, crazy roommates free rent and food. I have lots of free time that I would like to spend sleeping, but I can’t sleep as long as I like, I get too hot. I am only allowed to shower every two days. I’m not allowed to use the washer/dryer. Also I’m 36 years old and am on permanent disability for “Autism or Asperger’s”.I am 6’5” tall.
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17 Answers
@syz What do I do outside of a structured environment? Is making money the only goal in life? How do I set goals and what are some good goals to set?
What do you want to do? What would it take to make it happen?
@syz I want to meet a woman who loves me and becomes BFF (best friends forever) and later a wife, I want kids and a house and cats. I would like to go into politics and be an education trustee, and later a education minister, from K – 12 to Ph.d..
Ah, then you need to get off of the computer, stop watching tv, and find a way to get out in the world and meet people. Volunteering is a great start. Autism awareness groups would be a great transition into exposure to people who understand what you’re going through and have a common, er, interest (for lack of better phrasing).
I don’t know for sure, but I bet there are resources for engaging – support groups, organizations that will connect you to someone to provide transportation, and so on. If you’re having trouble on your own, reach out.
@syz I would like to apply for the temp job at Chapters Bookstore for Christmas. I will save $65 for a bus pass in December. Right now I’m watching Business News Network, A weather warning will keep me inside tonight.
Well, this Aspie gets out a bit. Not as much as I used to (my work hours are long, and my job tiring, so I’m often too exhausted these days) but still enough to GM a Shadowrun campaign, check out the local street fair or farmer’s market, or just enjoy a nice cup of real hot chocolate… which can only be obtained at a certain place about a 10-minute drive away. Sometimes I mountain bike, though not at this time of year.
Thing is, I know what it’s like to not have direction. I’m used to a structured environment myself. Right now, I am in a position where my life goals are pretty much met, and I’m taking a bit of “me” time to focus on things that matter less, like my own gaming. In my quest for financial security and all, I forgot how to relax, and my wife says I need to chill more. Accordingly, I’m trying to game more simply because that was what I used to do back when I was relaxed and calm.
Direction is a good thing, but you also need a center. Something that won’t drive you nuts or make you miserable. My goal is to be happy. I got lucky and found a woman that loves me, so that part is taken care of. I now have a job where money is not so tight that I have to stiff some creditors in order to make rent, so that is taken care of. So, I am neither lonely nor poor, so the only thing left is to not be bored.
Your mileage may vary.
Are you asking how to make a contribution, or find something meaningful to do with your life?
That seems to be what you’re saying but I’m not sure. FWIW I was also totally addicted to WoW for a few years.
Think about a change you would like to see or a way you would like to make the world better. Then, look for small, reasonable ways you can start to make that happen.
Now would be a great time to try a new hobby, too. Making things is immensely satisfying. The art department at your local college might have classes in wheel pottery, glass blowing, or woodworking. (From personal experience, wheel pottery is easy to learn, calming, engaging, and all-around awesome.)
If you can’t do that, you could take a stab at writing some fiction.
Maybe you could start a home-based business or do some volunteer work. Or you could learn writing or drawing.
A couple jellies were talking about meetup.com in another thread, and that’s a great way for shy people to get out and meet through shared interests.
At this point, though, I’d start by doing small things that get you out of the house and make you happy. Look for interesting things you can do outside, like going for a hike or to an art museum, and then go from there.
You go outdoors and look for the people with exclamation marks floating above their heads.
I just thought I would toss this out there. Bram Cohen created Bittorrent and has a pretty severe case of Asperger’s.
Maybe give programming a try. All the tools to start programming are free. Bittorrent was actually built with python (same stuff that runs Fluther).
I have no shortage of ideas for programming tasks if you are up for it. I will even pay you for some of them.
@johnpowell Given the people I know, I almost suspect that Aspergers is a prerequisite for the IT field.
Sign up for a free account at Geocaching.com. There is a cache hidden within 1 mile of your house. You can walk there.
Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is to find the cache, sign the log book, and swap a small gift. And it is a free activity!
@johnpowell I just read the first half of the Asperger’s article. I liked it. I like writing in Qbasic and I wrote a 1600 line medical diagnosis program on it while I was in a group home. It’s hard and frustrating trying to learn C++. I will see if I can learn python and then we can get some glitches fixed in Fluther.
Well then, seems your mission in life is to find yourself.
Update I canceled my cable and am trying to pay off my debts. Turns out that I don’t have Autism but rather IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and a mental illness, that is treated well with
medication and diet.
My new goal is to see if I can succeed in a couple of psychology career counselling classes to become a career councilor. Might take years to pay off some of my debt. I might start with some career books on Amazon. Then will play it by ear.
@all Update Good news I am glad that I managed my stipend and am breaking even from the inflation. I am not getting ahead of my credit card bill, but am not going further into debt. I play with my Amazon wish list, adding and organizing books for my wish list. Everything is working out. Any extra money will go to paying my bills. Thanks all for your support.
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