General Question

Is China the new idol for emerging economies?
Western democracies hold up ideals of capitalism, democracy and political rights for all. Few in developing countries enjoy any of those luxuries. They see them, and they want them. But, as economist Danbisa Moyo explains in this TED talk, state capitalism as practiced in China also offers the promise of economic growth and stable government. While it may come at the expense of individual liberty and the right to elect your representation, those on the edge of starvation in 3rd world nations may prefer three square meals a day. She warns that Patrick Henry’s stirring message, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” does not necessarily resonate so powerfully with those who are a few missed meals away from death from starvation.
I got an email from’s Amanda Johnson. It noted the following: “Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal reported Karl Rove and his shadowy campaign groups raised ’$180 million in 2012 from 291 unnamed people, who gave an average of $618,000 each.’”
“291 people—a group smaller than my high school class—sought to influence the opinions of over 146 million registered voters using resources only massive amounts of money can buy.”
Right now, the GINI index (a number that tracks economic inequality) of China and the USA are both 46. But the GINI index of China is heading for greater equality, while that of the US has been on a 30 year track toward greater inequality and increasing poverty; and that trend is now accelerating as those with enough money and greed buy the government and turn it toward their own economic interests only do just that. In destroying our middle class to enrich a few billionaires, is the ruling class in America sewing the seeds of their own destruction? Without a healthy middle class to show the benefits of Western democracy, how well will it sell against China’s success at eliminating poverty there?
Dambisa Moyo issues a call for open-minded political and economic cooperation in the name of transforming the world. Is she right?

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