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LuckyGuy's avatar

How would a British Londoner, pronounce the words "Thunder Muscle"?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) November 17th, 2013

I watched a show called “The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret”. The premise is an American needs to sell an energy drink called “Thunder Muscle” in England.

I have tried to listen carefully and it seems the locals all pronounce the words as “Funder Musoo” The “Th” sounds like “F” and the “scle” sounds like “oo”. Is this a realistic regional pronunciation? What is the region?

Fanks, Mate.

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9 Answers

downtide's avatar

That would be right, particularly for north and east London, and Essex. My partner’s Essex cousins all speak like that.

MadMadMax's avatar

What a different and fun questions. You had me search the Internet trying to find a Cockney translator and every English dialog save “posh.”

Seek's avatar

My dear friend from Birmingham sounded much like that as well. All “th” sounds were “F“s

MadMadMax's avatar

My son attended graduate school in Italy. He had studied every summer at another Italian school during his four years as an undergrad as well.

Suffice it to say he made a lot of friends during those years and many of the British student ended up at Oxford. One year I gave him a round trip ticket to England for his birthday and he stayed as a guest on a houseboat next to the university.

Later I rec’d a call from a friend in England and I was expecting not to be able to understand them—another friend had had a heck of a time understand people in London, but this young woman sounding like the Queen was calling. So much for difficult to understand dialects. It was like a bustle drama on PBS.

ucme's avatar

Not all Londoners would pronounce it that way, only cockneys.

downtide's avatar

@ucme not just cockneys, that pronunciation gows out to the north-east of London too. As evidenced by my partner’s Essex cousins – “Basiwdon” and “Sarfend”.

ucme's avatar

@downtide Yeah, I was thinking more Alf Garnett than anything else.

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