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Kardamom's avatar

What favorite TV shows would you like to see an episode made in claymation?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) November 17th, 2013

This idea came to me last week when I had to take a Vicodin for a medical situation. I had only taken Vicodin once before, when I was in my early 20’s and had my wisdom teeth taken out. I had forgotten that it makes some people (me) hallucinate.

I was not thrilled with the hallucinations, but when I finally came out of it, in the morning, I was thinking that if I could control my own hallucinations, I’d love to see some claymation versions of some of my favorite TV shows.

The first one that came to mind (of course) was Doc Martin. I’d especially like to be the artist that gets to mold those luscious lips out of soft, warm clay, but that’s another story altogether, ahem.

Then, when I thought more about it, I really think it’s a neat idea. Some of the shows I’d like to see are Elementary, The Big Bang Theory, and Glee.

If you guys could pick some favorite TV shows to be made into claymation, which ones would you pick?

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29 Answers

Nimis's avatar

True Blood or Dexter. All that blood and gore in claymation would be funny.

Or Fox News.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Ha Ha Ha! Fox News! Especially Bill O’Reilly, he’s got the right look!

Seek's avatar

Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

Haleth's avatar

Community. Oh, wait, they already did that!

Second wish: Game of Thrones. I would dearly love to see Tyrion’s one-liners (NSFW) delivered in claymation.

ragingloli's avatar

Wallace and Gromit.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I can’t think of any. Maybe if you shared some of what you’re having?

tom_g's avatar

Twin Peaks

ucme's avatar
Wait, stop…that shite is not my favourite show, oh well, it’s done now.

filmfann's avatar

Battlestar Galactica oh wait, they did that

downtide's avatar

Doctor Who. Perhaps with Wallace as the new Doctor, Gromit as his sidekick and a Tardis powered by cheese.

Seek's avatar

^ That. Would. Be. EPIC!

wildpotato's avatar

Breaking Bad.

KaY_Jelly's avatar

American Horror Story.
True Blood.
Masters of sex.
Cake Boss.
#1 Most definitely Supernatural especially the episode with the teddy bear.

ibstubro's avatar

@Kardamom “if I could control my own hallucinations” I think that’s known as LSD

I can’t think of any TV shows that would be good claymation, as the best shows are made by their characters, and the actors that portray them.

I’d love to see some of the old cartoons claymated, though. From Tiny “Toons” to “The Aunt and the Aardvark”.

Wallace and Grommet are the BEST

janbb's avatar

Dick Van Dyke Show

And Seinfeld. Can you imagine Kramer in claymation?

ragingloli's avatar

I doubt I need to see a clay figure ranting “ni**er”

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

M*A*S*H, Hollywood Squares, Eight Is Enough.

ucme's avatar

Ooh, I got a good one, show every fight of Cassius Clay.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

A porno Mr Bill.

OneBadApple's avatar

The Honeymooners

“I hope they like those jokes on the MOON, Alice, because that’s where you’re goin’ !!....”

glacial's avatar

Whatever it is, I’m sure Robot Chicken has already taken a stab at it. ;)

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’d love to see a couple episodes of Breaking Bad. Anything that is super serious or violent would be hilarious in clay form.

Mannnnn this thread is making me miss Celebrity Death Match

@ibstubro ”@Kardamom “if I could control my own hallucinations” I think that’s known as LSD” Lol exactly what I thought too

Pachy's avatar

“Homeland” would be great but I don’t see how claymation could capture all the weird stuff Clair Danes does with her face. ;-)

ibstubro's avatar

@uberbatman I gave that shit up long ago, but WHOOOO WHEEEE!

Juels's avatar

All in the Family

talljasperman's avatar

Marvels the Avengers…

Kardamom's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers You may have the rest of my Vicodin, I don’t ever want to go near that stuff again! I’d make a terrible drug addict.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

The Three Stooges. Poking eyes and hitting with iron pans or hot irons would be awesome in claymation!

talljasperman's avatar

Married with Children, and the super friends.

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