General Question

marmoset's avatar

Can I make a list of the people who've liked a certain Facebook status?

Asked by marmoset (1341points) November 18th, 2013

Assume I’m the user who posted the status; I’m an individual user (not a Page); and there are 100 to 150 likes.

The google results I can find are about listing the people who’ve liked a FB Page, not an individual FB status.

Anything I can do? (Short of clicking on the number of likes, getting dozens of screen shots of the displayed-6-at-a-time names, and then extracting their names from the screenshots?)

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3 Answers

PhiNotPi's avatar

I can’t currently test out this idea, but try to open up the list of people (by clicking the “likes”), and use your mouse to click+drag to select the text of the names. If you drag your mouse downward, it might auto-scroll through the list, allowing you to select (and copy) all of the text at once.

Edit: also, if you paste your text into a word document, there is the “text only” paste option which should give you all of the text without copying other stuff, like formatting.

Seek's avatar

Why not try getting a single screen shot using a scrolling screen grabber? I used to use SnagIt, but here is an example of a free alternative that might work for you.

Then, you can run the image through OCR to extract the text.

marmoset's avatar

PhiNotPi, you’re right, I could actually click & drag to get all the text! Thanks to you both, because for other situations I bet I can use the scrolling screen grabber too.

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