Social Question

snowberry's avatar

OK, now we're being required to go through screening before we leave the airport? What's next?

Asked by snowberry (28014points) November 19th, 2013 Who do they hope to catch? Ire from passengers for sure. How is this going to make me feel safer? It doesn’t look like it’s designed to catch people stealing luggage. If there’s a need to clear the airport quickly as in a bomb scare, they’d have to open them up and let everyone out without lookin’ ‘em over anyway.

I put this in Social, because it’s a bit scary, and a little humor helps, but I’m looking for genuine answers too.

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26 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe the Catholic Church is downsizing and has arranged this, so all the priests do not get unemployed. Lot of little boys going through those gates.

geeky_mama's avatar

Seriously? THAT takes the cake. I mean..if SYR explained that they were having problems with luggage theft and this was meant to be a deterrent..that might make some sense..but to subject every person trying to exit the airport to this? Not cool.
AND, I have to think this is a violation of the fire code. As soon as a fire breaks out and people mob these all-too-slow doors that scan each person..that’ll be the end of that!

I’d like to see the Syracuse Fire Dept. override the TSA (or is it just SYR security team?) on this one.

glacial's avatar

That’s absurd. I mean, if you’re carrying anything dangerous, surely they want you out of the airport as swiftly as possible? Whoever thought this up is completely mad.

@geeky_mama Good point about the fire code.

What if everyone simply refused to go through it? I hate to see people accepting this blithely. It really means that Syracuse is screening people before they enter the city. Next stop, checkpoints on major highways?

ucme's avatar

Compulsory strip searches performed by Nurse Ratched & Miss Trunchbull?

OneBadApple's avatar

This is merely a precursor of things to come.

Someday, they will charge us to get into a movie, and then again to get out…

Pachy's avatar

That’s absurd. I mean, if you’re carrying anything dangerous, surely they want you out of the airport as swiftly as possible? Whoever thought this up is completely mad.

@glacial, you mean, so somebody carrying something dangerous can kill people somewhere else?

I don’t like the increasing security screenings anymore than anyone else—on the other hand, I prefer that to having my existence ended in a some mall or fast food restaurant.

Rarebear's avatar

From what I read, it’s just a way to exit security. You’re not being screened. The doors are there instead of the bored TSA agent watching people come to baggage claim. It’s not the beginning of a police state.

glacial's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room But they’ve already been checked going into the airport. And people are allowed to carry weapons in the outside world – so what are they looking for as you’re leaving the airport?

snowberry's avatar

Exactly the point, @glacial! What are they thinking? I’m guessing that nobody, even airport personnel will tell us why.

Pachy's avatar

@glacial, the bad guys s are continually getting smarter and finding ways to outwit the good guys. Maybe it is a pointless security check. Nonetheless, I prefer more precaution rather than less.

glacial's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room So this makes you feel safer – but why? What is it that this security measure protects anyone from?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Isn’t that so nobody from the outside can walk back into the protected/screened area? Now they have a bored TSA agent or two sitting there making sure the traffic flows one way. These doors do it automatically.
They spend $100k on 5 doors (my engineering estimate) and eliminate 6 menial TSA jobs. Not a bad deal.

snowberry's avatar

@LuckyGuy, I don’t think so. This would be after baggage claim, where the general public is already allowed to go at will, without being screened by TSA.

My guess is once this is in place all over the US, the next thing is they’ll be screening everyone attempting to enter the building at all.

glacial's avatar

Yeah, I get it now – unlike what the articles seem to be saying, it’s between the terminal and the airport, not between the airport and the outside world. The only thing I imagine this would be good for is to keep someone from getting off one plane and (somehow) getting onto another without going through security. The thing is, there’s already something in place that prevents people from doing that – a boarding pass. In order to call this effective, you have to assume that the flight attendants are not checking people in at the gate. This process usually also requires additional identification, so I don’t agree that these doors are doing anything except further pissing off people who are already tired and in a bad mood. It sounds like a potential customer service nightmare.

flutherother's avatar

Why don’t they just allow people with guns onto planes so they can shoot any terrorists?

Rarebear's avatar

Everybody should just calm down. You’re already being screened when you exit the terminal. When you go past security there are all kinds if signs saying that you can’t go back. If you do, alarms will sound. Also there is a security agent watching people.

This is instead of that. It’s no big deal. My only concern is that it eliminates a job.

OneBadApple's avatar

All passengers should be required to fly naked and be seated in individual cages. All flight attendants would be Chuck Norris / Jason Statham type of guys trained to taze anyone exhibiting unruly behavior.

Pilots would of course remain very polite.

Problem solved.

Next !!

snowberry's avatar

I’m thinking of a logistical nightmare if you are a single parent traveling with several little ones (it does happen). If you only have room for yourself, your bag and a stroller, what about the other young ones waiting with more luggage behind you and who still need to enter a pod?

@glacial and @Rarebear Where does it say that this portal is between the terminal and the airport? The transcript says it’s to be able to leave the airport.

”>>> we’ll be covering this in greater depth, but the airport in Syracuse, New York, has installed recently new exit portals, meaning you’re not allowed to just leave the airport. you have to enter into a glass pod, wait for it to close behind you, then wait for an automated voice and a green light . that’s just to leave the building and walk out of the terminal. while critics say if the official arrival of the police state he. the airport says they’re in lieu of human security eyeballing departing passengers, and they do not contain x-rays.”

glacial's avatar

@snowberry It doesn’t say that – that’s my point. You have to watch the video and observe what people are doing. I agree that the wording is crap.

@Rarebear Our reaction isn’t blind hysteria – introducing new, more intrusive measures is a pain in the ass. This is exactly the reason that I (and many non-Americans) choose to fly around the US if I don’t absolutely have to go through it. The security measures are a manifestation of hysteria. If anyone should be told to calm down…

Rarebear's avatar

My point is it’s not any more intrusive than it already is. In fact it’s less so, since there isn’t someone sitting there staring at you when you leave. And I’m sorry, to say that it’s the beginning of a police state, as the article suggests is simply asinine.

glacial's avatar

@Rarebear I agree that it’s not the beginning of a police state – which I think was just Williams editorializing. I still think it’s absurd.

johnpowell's avatar

How we forget the aftermath of 911. We voted for this shit in 2004 and with reelecting Patriot Act supporting fucktards. You did this. It is your fault.

Realistically, If there was a 911 part two and this shit wasn’t done you would scream IMPEACH. So take a fucking side and write your state representatives.

Or you could just not fly.. Vote with your wallet.

Rarebear's avatar

Aw jeez. I give up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m with @pachy, doesn’t bother me in the slightest & kids are screened in some schools so I think adults can deal.

Rarebear's avatar

And it’s not screening. It’s merely a fancy one way door that doesn’t hit you on the ass on the way out. No big deal.

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