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mowens's avatar

Custom leather wallets?

Asked by mowens (8410points) November 19th, 2013

So here’s the deal. As one of my boyfriend’s presents, I want to get him a custom wallet. I really like the ones at leatherology, but they only do up to 4 characters. I Need to put his full name because he hates monograms. 11 or 12 characters would be ideal. Has anyone bought a custom wallet from somewhere? Were you satisfied?

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8 Answers

ucme's avatar
I almost bought myself one of those a couple of years back, but in the end, common sense prevailed…just.

mowens's avatar

Great movie. :)

ucme's avatar

For sure, merchandise….not so much.

Smitha's avatar

Coach offers complimentary monogramming for a variety of men’s products.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Handmade from Etsy.

mowens's avatar

Etsy is my new favorite thing in the world. Thank you for sending me to the poor house.

Nimis's avatar

Zazzle and Cafepress both offer leather wallets.
(If you want to customize beyond a monogram/name.)

Also, are you thinking about embroidery, leather embossing, leather engraving?

mowens's avatar

@Nimis I bought an awesome wallet off of Etsy. ANd now I spend most of my days staring at things to buy on Etsy. :(

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