Was the Johnny Carson show a thread running through your life at any time?
It was in mine. It came on at 10:30 here in the mid-center-western-tornado alley-Bible belt area or where ever the hell I am. I’d be in bed and one of the last things I’d hear was “Heeeeere’s Johnnny!”
Then, when I got older, I was sometimes allowed to stay up late enough to watch it with my mom and dad. I always enjoyed that, hanging out with Mom and Dad.
I remember Tiny Tim, Cuchi Chuci Girl (Charo?), the Smother’s Brothers. I especially remember “Carnac the Magnificent!”
I guy I dated in the 90’s said he had to be home by the time he heard “Heeere’s Johnny!” or his mom would lock him out for the night! He’d be hanging out in the ‘hood and he’d hear Doc Severinsen’s band fire up, coming out of the windows of every house around and he’d hoof it on home, hoping to make it in time!
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15 Answers
Where have you been sunshine? Haven’t seen you around.
I was 3 when it went off the air, so no.
I’d never heard of the fella until The Shining, even then I was like, “who the fucks this Johnny dude!?!”
My folks watched him almost every night and when I was older I watched him often but not nightly. I never cared as much for his sketches as his chats with guests, and watching old clips on YouTube now, it’s hard for me to believe he and most of the great actors, musicians, politicians and others he had on the show through the years are gone.
Yes , I really enjoyed Johnny Carson along with his sidekick Ed McMahon !
One show that stood out for me was when he found out that Don Rickles had broken his beloved cigarette box and Johnny Carson crashed Don Rickles show while live ~ C.P.O. Sharkey
I remember when Burt Reynolds took off his toupee on the Tonight Show and showed the whole world that he was actually going bald!
Oh yeah, gma and gpa loved him, and I remember falling asleep to their laughter as a child. What a great memory of my beloved grandparents that invoked, thanks doll.
There are a number of comedians that never leave my life for long.
Johnny Carson seemed like such a sweet, generous man in real life. You never heard any backstage dirt, and he never made an arse of himself in public. Although I have to admit that in my life, ‘Heeeeere’s JOHNNY!” SO belongs to Jack Nicholson.
Gilda Radnor has probably not been absent from my life for more than a week. If I had a dollar for every time I has thought or said, “Well, it just goes to show you…” or, “Ooooo! Did that come out of you??” I’d be summering in Flagstaff and wintering in Hawaii.
Flip Wilson, Madeline Kahn, Lily Tomlin…the list goes on and on.
No, @LornaIove, if she has no memory of it it wasn’t a thread through her life.
Absolutely. When I was around the ages of 8–11 my mother worked nights. I stayed at my babysitter’s place till she got off work, which was 10:30. By then I’d usually fallen asleep. But I knew mom would be there not long after the show started. And I’d generally wake up when I heard “heeeere’s Johnny”
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