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cheebdragon's avatar

What are you listening to this week?

Asked by cheebdragon (20752points) November 19th, 2013 from iPhone

I have a love/hate relationship with Pandora Radio….I hate the ads and skip limit, but every so often Pandora will play a song that catches my attention…sometimes it’s obscure like I Turn my Camera On by Spoon or Tell Her by Passenger (dude sounds like a leprechaun…it’s very strange). This week Pandora has me listening to нυ∂ѕσи тαуℓσя – вαттℓєѕ (Awesome hair, BTW).

What are you playing this week?

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23 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Right now Snow Patrol, Fallen Empires. I’m old school, I still like sliding in a cd and listening to the entire album.

syz's avatar

My mix (Did that work?)

glacial's avatar

@syz Only for some. :(

“Dear Pandora Visitor,
We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S., Australia and New Zealand…”

Thanks for posting that NPR link, @lx102303 – I’ll check that out.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Myself, whining and ranting about all the staggering problems and burdens in my life.

And, none of them are my own problem or burden. I’m juggling my mother’s rapidly-declining Alzheimer’s disease; the work I’m doing to renovate her house fully, from 420 miles away, and list it for sale; a financial institution that’s unlawfully and unethically holding $70K of money that I need to pay the contractor; and some volunteer work that just blew up in my face.

My, I must be a real joy to spend time with these day! I wonder how Paul’s even putting up with me.

OneBadApple's avatar

Wow, SMP, I was just going to complain about my squawking mother-in-law being here for two weeks. But I guess I’ll just back off and be happy that I’m not you….

tedibear's avatar

To and from work I have been listening to “And the Glory of the Lord” and the “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s Messiah. We are singing these in the community choir to which I belong. There are certain parts where I lack some confidence. Listening to these has helped me to work out some of my troubles.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Everything Garbage has ever done.

Stay” by Oingo Boingo.

Alone Again Or” by The Damned

Angels and Airwaves.


As always, everything by the politically incorrect and irreverent Revolting Cocks.

Pachy's avatar

I have an eclectic mix on my iPod Shuffle, which is my constant walking/exercise companion.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Past couple of days it’s been Outkast. I don’t know how but I never really listened to Outkast before except for the hit songs played ad nauseam on the radio, I’m quite happy I went back and gave them another shot.

@lx102303 thanks for the NPR link. I listen to NPR all the time in the car and always think they have such great transitional music and that I’d love a music show from them. Low and behold it exits :P

cookieman's avatar

Today, I listened to a bunch of Lyle Lovett and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

My daughter says she’s listening to “Fire Starter” by Demi Lovato.

johnpowell's avatar

Using the Recently played playlist and export function I came up with this easy to parse list.

mambo's avatar

The Easyway to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr on audiobook.

Seek's avatar

On Pandora, I generally listen to a stand-up comedy channel. It began with Mitch Hedberg, and I’ve added my favourite smart, offensive, and/or angry comedians: Lewis Black, Jimmy Carr, Ricky Gervais, Eddie Izzard, Danny Bhoy, etc.

Valerie111's avatar

Katy Perry, Justin Timberlake.

lx102303's avatar

Toky – Sincerity ~ Sincerity

OneBadApple's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I love Lewis Black. He talks about everyone running around in the U.S. saying “America is the greatest country in the world !!”

“I assure you that if some guy in your office came in every day and said “I AM THE GREATEST FUCKER HERE”, you would rise up as one…..and SLAYYY him….”

Seek's avatar

“0 grams of fucking fat… in WATER?!? Show me the water with the big chunks of fat floating in it, because THAT’s the tasty goddamn water.”

cheebdragon's avatar

@Seek_kolinahr I have stations for Dan cummins, Chad Daniels, Tom Segura (very very funny), Brian regan and George carlin….I maxed out my stations so everytime I want to make a new one I have delete one of my 100…it’s always a tough choice.

Seek's avatar

I love Brian Regan. The black coffee bit is the best. Good ol’ Uncle George and Dan Cummins are on my Hedberg channel as well.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Ohh, Pandora.

I’ve opened that box in the past. Now I use Soundcloud.

On there?

A TON of stuff by former Cocteau Twin, Robin Guthrie.

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