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KNOWITALL's avatar

Are you a tech nerd?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29997points) November 20th, 2013

I admit it, I like new technology, how about you?

Smart watches, virtual keyboards, Dylans new video, what do you find exciting right now?

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6 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I’ve been one since I was a teenager—inherited it from my dad (who owned one of the first business computers, which cost well over $1,000 to simply add, subtract, divide and multiply, period.)

In the ‘60s I was fascinated with tiny radios; in the ‘70s, with pocket calculators (they were frighteningly expensive) and early electronic typewriters; and in the 80s, computers. Then tablets and all the rest of it. I think I’ve owned one or many of every gadget ever made.

I have to admit, though, I’m finding it harder and harder to keep up with it all.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If I don’t get a virtual keyboard soon, I’m going to lose it. They hook up to smart phones, game consoles and computers- lol

Kardamom's avatar

I am the complete opposite. It’s a miracle that I can even turn on my computer.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

If you want me to comment on a computer, I have to see all the details of what’s inside, or just let me open up the case and look around inside. :)

jerv's avatar

I build computers, fix my own car, and cut metal with a 5-axis Handtmann CNC mill.

However, I stayed out of the IT field because I figured when I was younger, by the time I finish high school, there would be enough people going into the field to make it hard to find a job; supply would outstrip demand as people flocked to where they thought the money was. And the state-of-the-art moved so fast, there would come a time where it’d be nearly impossible to keep up. So I still work with computers, but my code manipulates metal, not data.

dabbler's avatar

Yep. I’m not a gotta-have-the-latest-gadget kind of person. But I make and fix stuff regularly. People ask me if I can fix their stuff, and I usually give it a try. If I’m helping you move I’ll probably be the one that hooks up your media center and your computer and your internet and local area network, without a manual.
I’m intrigued by new technology and the clever things people do with it.

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