Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

For those of you who appreciate Scottish attire on men, who would you most like to see in a kilt?

Asked by Kardamom (33609points) November 20th, 2013

Could be a Brit, could be an American, could be President Obama. Who would you choose?

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39 Answers

downtide's avatar

John Barrowman

Kardamom's avatar

Of course my number one pick would be Martin Clunes, but I’d also love to see Paul McCartney, Daniel Dae Kim, Johnny Lee Miller, Benedict Cumberbatch, Mark Harmon and Hugh Bonneville in full, dress Scottish regalia.

And I’d want This Music playing in the background.

janbb's avatar

The younger Sean Connery
Ewan MacGregor
George Clooney

And – for shits and giggles:
Dick Cheney

Valerie111's avatar

Channing Tatum
Nick Lachey

zenvelo's avatar

Jerry Brown (Gov. of California). But not Rob Ford.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

A guy with extraordinarily sexy legs. That would be my husband.

LilCosmo's avatar

I second Benedict Cumberbatch and add Jon Stweart and Gerard Butler.

janbb's avatar

@Kardamom Works for me!

Kardamom's avatar

@Katniss Have you ever seen this video of one of my fellows and your fellow in a Movie called Dark Harbor?

Here’s My Fellow in a kilt.

janbb's avatar

@Kardamom You just reminded me; I saw him on Broadway in a play a few years ago.

Kardamom's avatar

I have a prize for anyone that can find a genuine (not photoshopped, nor animation) photo of Martin Clunes wearing a kilt.

@janbb Was it Private Lives? Lucky!

janbb's avatar

@Kardamom No – it was a play in which he was an obnoxious writing teacher. Can’t remember the name.

Kardamom's avatar

Hmmmmm, will have to investigate.

janbb's avatar

“Seminar’ by Theresa Rebeck.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Colin Ferell or a sexy footballer, gotta have those beefy calves!

Pachy's avatar

Angelina Jolie !!!

Kardamom's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room She’s not a dude, at least I don’t think she is.

@LilCosmo Here ya go, John Stewart

I couldn’t find a picture of Benedict Cumberbatch wearing a kilt, so I found the next best thing, BC Wearing a Bathing Suit

syz's avatar

No idea who he is, this this is hot!

Seek's avatar

I’m not picky. Line ‘em up!

Seek's avatar

@Kardamom I found a tushie shot of Clunes for you. I can ‘shop a kilt on him if you like. It’ll still be his bum under the tartan.

Haleth's avatar

@janbb @Kardamom Lol, I came to this question to post that. Since you guys beat me to the punch, here’s another one with Ewan Mcgregor in a kilt.

@Seek_Kolinahr I love picture #4 to pieces. You know that unspoken guy rule, where they can only use alternating urinals? This picture is like, “how much bro code can we break at one time?” Not only are they peeing next to each other, but it looks like they’re talking to each other, and maybe even comparing junk. It’s like the gender-flipped version of that thing where guys think women are always having sexy pillow fights in our underwear.

Seek's avatar

Oh, Gerard Butler fans…

/me points, pants, whines… Gimme.

@Haleth – Inorite! Adorable. ^_^

Seek's avatar


@downtide – you’ll want to click this one.

Kardamom's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I’m afraid that was a body double that they used for the TV series Reggie Perrin. Bum er.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kardamom I saved that to my desktop, I can’t BELIEVE you found Colin in a kilt, and the tattoos on him, are awesome!!!

Katniss's avatar

@Kardamom I have not!! Thank for that link. I’ve added it to my must watch list!!

janbb's avatar

@Kardamom I have to say again I usually find your taste in all things impeccable. But this fascination with Martin Clunes….....

Katniss's avatar

@janbb You don’t think Martin Clunes is a cutie patootie?

Kardamom's avatar

@janbb As I’ve gotten older, my appreciation (and taste) for men has changed. I first fell in love with Martin Clunes’ personality, but once I had that, I was hooked. Maybe I’m living in a fog, but I think he is one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. Apparently I’m not the only one, unbeknownst to me, my best friend (who lives in another city) was also watching Doc Martin and having the same transformation, then I found out that another mutual friend of ours, who lives in yet another city, was going through the same thing. Then I started looking up all sorts of other things that he has been in, mostly on You Tube, and the women all go mad for him. I think it’s his adorableness (not to mention his dimples and his voice) that drew me in, and then later, after watching a bunch of his documentaries (on horses and dogs and lemurs etc.) that I realized how much of an animal lover he is, so that was another plus. He is so kind and gentle and sweet with the animals that it just made me love him even more. And he is very appreciate and supportive of his lovely wife, Phillpa, his business partner in Buffalo Pictures. They are truly a team and you can tell that they really love each other in addition to respecting each other. I don’t know, there’s just something magical about him that makes me smile every time I see him or listen to him talk.

Even if you don’t find him physically attractive (yet) watch his documentary about horses, it’s wonderful. You can see it Here. For the rest of you, take a Look at Martin

You all also might like his documentary about Dogs

And who do I blame for all of this? @gailcalled : P

Kardamom's avatar

@Katniss The movie Dark Harbor is really good, it has an interesting mystery afoot. The only thing that bugged me, was that it’s set in the U.S. so for some reason, they made Alan Rickman adopt a (very bad) American accent in the first few scenes. He must have said, “eff it” because soon after, he reverts back to his fabulous British accent. There are some awesome scenes in this movie! You may have to purchase it from Amazon (that’s what I did) I’m not sure if it’s on Netflix, but you may be able to watch it in segments on You Tube.

janbb's avatar

@Kardamom Ok – I will keep an open mind but I thought his personality on Doc Martin, while interesting, was certainly not lovable – nor his looks.

Kardamom's avatar

@janbb Well, that is the thing. His character is a miserable, rude fellow, but you can tell from the very first scene, in the very first episode, that this guy has a lot bubbling beneath the surface. He’s been damaged and hurt in his youth, in his job, in his past relationships (you don’t find that out until much later) and he says what he thinks, without having a filter. Kind of like a lot of the folks that we know and love in real life and on Fluther. But you come to realize that he is a brilliant man, and it is his calling to heal people, even though he doesn’t seem to be able to relate to people, at least not yet. When you see him alone, or in his dreams, you realize that he is in fact a very passionate man, but he keeps everything bottled up inside. Louisa, and a few of the other townswomen (such as Mrs. Tishel the pharmacist, and the young teenage girl who stalks him, and even his his hideous ex girlfriend) are drawn to him, much in the way some women are drawn to babies, they want to care for him, and they hope that someday, he will emerge from his cocoon and be able to demonstrate his passion. And demonstrate he does, in his own Martin-like way. He has very expressive eyes, and sometimes, even when he says nothing at all, he is speaking volumes.

Yes, I know, I should probably be his press agent. And now I shall go take a cold shower.

shego's avatar

I would love to see Jonny Depp in a kilt. I don’t want to see him in one as a character, but as himself. He is one sexy beast!!! growl, my imagination is going crazy here

Kardamom's avatar

@shego I certainly wouldn’t walk out of the room at the sight of that ^^.

Seek's avatar

^ I might have to.

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