Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

How many will be dying for a deal Black Friday?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) November 21st, 2013

Seems like every year I bother to pay attention, there is some blurb on the news about someone getting trampled and killed in some Black Friday bum rush. What is your estimate or prediction on how many people will die because of a killer deal on Black Friday, (no pun intended)?

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23 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I think 20 people will get in a car accident on the road from working hours they typically never work, midnight to 9am, and driving home with almost no sleep on busy streets full of people heading towards the malls. One or two of them will cause a fatal accident.

I think 500 employees will catch an illness on Black Friday working while exhausted and being susceptible, the majority at risk being those working unusual hours on no sleep. They will get some of the rest of us sick and so on and so on. Right now there is a bad bacterial sinus infection (I have heard about it in several states) going around and an illness causing laryngitis. I don’t know what thenflu map looks like, luckily I am in a state that usually has low flu numbers, but you never can be sure what will happen.

I think 2 people will die in a trample at a store.

I think 200 people will go to the ER for a heart attack, because they ate so much on Thanksgiving and have preexisting cardiovascular risk.

I hope I am completely wrong and there is not one health related incident or God forbid death on Black Friday.

ragingloli's avatar

Let me get back to you once I finish counting my bullets.

Lorna's avatar

Last year my ex husband was killed on black friday.

JLeslie's avatar

@LornaIove Can I ask what happened? Was it related to the shopping in any way? Don’t answer if you prefer not to, I completely understand.

Lorna's avatar

It was and it wasn’t. He was shopping with a mutual friend. Apparently he was very stresses, he was being pushed and shoved everywhere. His new partner called him and wanted him home for a certain time. He couldn’t get out the store for all the people. He got killed in a accident on the freeway.

flip86's avatar

Some douche bag will just have to have the latest “must have” toy for his bratty kid and somebody will get shot or stabbed over the last one on the shelf.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I won’t be a part of it, that’s for damn sure.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@LornaIove Sorry for your loss, I hope it wasn’t insult to injury that the person who hit him was drunk because they were too distraught not getting that last must have item.

Pachy's avatar

It was never worth it to me to fight lemming-like traffic and store crowd to save few bucks.

fwizzy's avatar

bby , ill be hiding my ass in my house , and get someone else to get hurt for me (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Adagio's avatar

@fwizzy how did you make the face, it’s terrific, I want one : ^)

ibstubro's avatar

They’re no longer waiting until Friday. The local car dealer here has already declared/started a Black Friday Deal that last until the end of the month. A number of stores are going to open Thanksgiving Day to get a jump on everyone else.

It seems to be human nature to crap all over anything that is working. Maybe the government can step in and officially combine Black Friday and Thanksgiving, thereby creating another workday every year that they can tax the bejeezes out of?

JLeslie's avatar

@LornaIove I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what it is like for his partner who was requesting he come home at a certain time. It’s awful when holiday time is a reminder of a tragedy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Adagio Copy his face, then save it somewhere, like on your profile here, where you can get to it, and copy and paste it into other comments. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

fwizzy's avatar

lel , im not a guy
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Me either!
. /\__/\_____

Adagio's avatar

@Dutchess_III good idea, thanks for that : ^)

ibstubro's avatar

\ (•◡•) / @Dutchess_III

Dutchess_III's avatar

BTW, @Adagio, you might check Snowberry’s profile. She has lots of cool characters like that. That’s where I got the cat. She said we can borrow them.

ibstubro's avatar

Mostly girly looking, tho, ≧✯◡✯≦

jazmina88's avatar

i’m working at home…all nite Thanksgiving. doing csr for internet retail. I am very afraid. Yes, people cant get violent but the mind set of these shoppers will test my patience.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Go shopping, just take a taser with you.

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