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YARNLADY's avatar

Am I the only one who thinks decorative holiday sweaters are NOT ugly?

Asked by YARNLADY (46735points) November 21st, 2013

I love those sweaters that are entered in the ugly sweater contests.

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42 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I think they are ugly, but also cute, festive, and heartwarming.

Katniss's avatar

Yes!! lol

ibstubro's avatar

Just like anything else, there are sweaters ugly, and sweaters cute.

A lot of it depends on the wearer…if they have a good sense of humor and are taking the whole thing with a grain the sweaters are a lot cuter. You put one and and get in a huff because someone sniggers at it, then everyone’s gonna snigger.

glacial's avatar

Yes. Sorry.

ragingloli's avatar

Do you have some examples?

livelaughlove21's avatar

Yes. They’re hideous.

Pachy's avatar

Some are, but I like their festiveness.

KaY_Jelly's avatar

You are the @YARNLADY! You are the yarn of fluther. If this was a television show you would of made and or approved the itchy sweater for Leonard on the “Big Bang Theory” last Thursday! Nuff said.

cookieman's avatar

Just you and Heathcliff Huxtable.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Psht! I demand a recount! This fella is clearly the winner.

syz's avatar

If you’re going to talk ugly, you have to include the ones that Grandma made for you. You’re obligated to wear it when she visits.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Anyone else ever been to an ugly sweater party?

glacial's avatar

Yup. Now I understand why thrift stores are thriving.

Coloma's avatar

Sorry to say but yes. I think it’s an age thing, most Holiday sweater fanciers are well, “older”. lol
How old, well….I am almost 54 and I’d rather be dead than wear a holiday sweater.
I do like to wear my crystal snowflake clip on tree ornaments on my boots though. haha

AshlynM's avatar

I’ve always thought they were too hideous for words.

KaY_Jelly's avatar

I love sweaters. I love looking like a geek.

Coloma's avatar

@YARNLADY Very nice examples, if I could stop laughing long enough to gather my wits, between fits. lol
So many amazing, flamboyant designs to choose from.
@KaY_Jelly Do you look like anyone in those pictures from @YARNLADY ‘s link? haha

KaY_Jelly's avatar

Well the sad part is that I actually double checked.LOL. o_O

Nimis's avatar

They’re not ugly per se.
Rather, they’re painfully kitschy.

Cosby sweaters on the other hand?

Smitha's avatar

Some are actually quite pretty but people just tend to overdo it. They look OK on others, but it’s not for me. I normally use them as door decoration.

ucme's avatar

Not only are they ugly, they are typically worn by people who suck their thumbs & stamp their feet when they don’t receive universal praise for wearing one.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m always stunned when the rare tasteful one of these creatures appears. The species itself is distinguished for repellent garishness, and should not be tolerated on anyone above the age of 4. They do come in handy for locating children who tend to wander in crowds.

ragingloli's avatar

Get some petrol and a match. These things must be burned.

ram201pa's avatar

Mine are tucked waaaay back in my closet. I used to love them but now they have a bad rep. Too bad…I musta spent over 100 bucks on each one. :)

GoldieAV16's avatar

If you don’t think they’re ugly, you aren’t shopping in the right store. ;-p

Katniss's avatar

True be told, after looking at @YARNLADY‘s link, there is one sweater I would wear. The short sleeved red one with the black belt and the deer in the boob area. Kinda cute.

Coloma's avatar

@Katniss A deer in your headlights ey? lol

Katniss's avatar

Hahahaha @Coloma You’re so funny!
And yes, something like that!!

Coloma's avatar

@Katniss I like the gray one with snowflakes right below your choice. :-)
I think your “date” should be the guy right above your sweater too. lol

YARNLADY's avatar

@GoldieAV16 OK, you got me – humping reindeer and bucktooth rudolph are ugly indeed.

glacial's avatar

@Coloma “A deer in your headlights ey? lol”

Damn, that was good. :D

gailcalled's avatar

I love bucktoothed Rudolph. It’s what we used to call camp. Worn with my pajama bottoms, flip-flops and gran’s diamond earrings, I’d feel stylish anywhere.

ibstubro's avatar

@glacial I’m so disappointed. Tug the jammies down a bit and show a little butt-crack. And WHAT, no *HAT”?? So much for style.

ahro0703's avatar

You too? I LOOOOOVE those decorative holiday sweaters!!! I was sad that no one liked those, but I finally met one! The sweaters are cute and adorable. I wear them every holiday! (Not only holidays but even on work…)

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