Do Salvation Army bell ringers annoy you?
Asked by
flip86 (
November 21st, 2013
I know they are trying to help the needy but do they really need to ring those damn bells? It is very grating.
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34 Answers
And a merry fucking Christmas to you if you ever need their help.
Not at all. I view them as the start of the holiday season. I’m am practically flat broke, but I managed to find enough change to make a dollar to deposit into the red bucket today. When I was a kid, it was always a treat to be able to put a few coins in the red bucket.
The Salvation Army does a lot of good for people who would otherwise go hungry and untended. I always think that I am just one step away from being one of those people that might someday need their help. I not only donated, I went to the door where the bell ringer was, instead of retreating to the other door where the bell ringer was not.
The Salvation Army bell ringers are just one of the many delights of the holiday season for me. I seek them out, specifically, whenever I’m out and about.
I also love Bells
One of my favorite stories of all time is A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, so I guess that is where I’m coming from.
Totally agree with @Kardamom. It’s a good thing and it’s just part of the season. Plunk a few bucks into the pot and you’ll feel better.
Actually, the salvation army annoys me because they are a bigoted, anti-gay organization.
No, but grumpy buttheads do. (not calling you a grumpy butthead. just talking about grumpy buttheads in general)
I have no problem with them soliciting donations. I know they do it for a good cause. It’s just those bells annoy the crap outta me.
@flip86 I’d rather listen to sweet bells than rap music or leaf blowers. Do you also hate jingle bells and sleigh bells and church bells and butter bells? Those are some of my favorite things, and I associate them all with the holidays.
I’m annoyed by anyone stopping me outside of Wal-Mart asking for money. I can’t stand that shit, and being nice to them is hard (though I do it anyway). The bells in particular don’t bother me, though. I actually had to do that one year as a community service thing in high school.
I don’t give to the Salvation Army for the reason @syz mentioned. I also don’t buy anything from the Boy Scouts for that same reason. Girl Scouts have cookies…it’s hard to hate them.
@Kardamom Those bells are not the pleasant bells you hear in Christmas music. They are cheap, tinny bells that sound terrible. I’ll compare it to an out of tune instrument played buy a musician with no talent.
They call themselves an ‘army’.
I think they should be destroyed.
Yes, but many people annoy me. Especially if their organizations are homophobic.
I saw a guy one time who was playing violin instead. Pretty kool.
No not them, but those annoying 18–22 year olds who think they’re raising awareness for the environment by standing outside of Urban Outfitters, or Trader Joes in California. Damn kids!
My mother-in-law (AKA “The Sea Witch”) was a volunteer bell-ringer one year. It’s the only time that I can ever recall being proud of her….
The bells are the only thing about them that I don’t find annoying.
To no end.
It may or may not have something to do with the fact that I live within a few miles of the SA’s palace, and know they make plenty of money with an unconstitutional contract to provide misdemeanor probation services in our county.
And, homophobia.
They wear daft bonnets over here, look a lot like bells.
Homophobes, i’d like to ring their necks.
Yes, but it’s probably resentment about being reminded that I live in a sea of folks who are struggling, and am probably not doing nearly as much as I should toward helping them I’m not a big fan of guilt-tripping people out of their hard-earned money, but it’s apparently a tactic that works. Just another reason to shop online.
I agree with @syz and @livelaughlove21. The bells don’t annoy me much, it’s the way they stop us and ask to donate money. There are many other charities that help the poor that do not discriminate in services OR in doctrine and philosophy.
I’m with @Smitha, they don’t annoy me until they solicit me as I’m entering and leaving a shop. I donate when I want but not on demand. :(
Homophobia sucks, are we sure they’re homophobes?
@KNOWITALL Yes. They’ve been photographed with signs that say “no gays allowed.”
There’s also this and this and this. (If you only read one, read the LA Times piece listed first).
They hide their finances under the guise of being a religion (note, they are a religion, not a charity). Seriously – a religion that wears military uniforms? How does this NOT totally creep everyone out?!
They annoy me, because I’m aware of the corruption that runs rampant in this so-called religion, and the holiday bell ringers are a facade meant to deceive, and doing a very good job of it, I might add. Support the Red Cross and Goodwill. They are the ones with open accounting books, doing the actual work of helping the poor and those in disaster-struck areas, they aren’t hiding behind being a religion, AND don’t discriminate.
Let the flame throwing commence…I’m used to it.
@livelaughlove21 @syz @GoldieAV16 I really had no idea, but I’m not surprised at any ‘religiuos’ organization persecuting the LGBT’s anymore. What a disservice they do to my loving faith.
The bells don’t bug me. The ringers themselves don’t bug me. The organization does.
They don’t bother me, but twice tonight while out shopping with my mother we encountered them. They didn’t even ask us for a donation, but each time my mom felt obliged to explain as we walked by that she donates through the mail. I didin’t say anything, but it annoyed me that she felt she had to explain herself.
@livelaughlove21…I didn’t know that, but I sure will never give money to them now.
It’s very much a part of Christmas and I look forward to hearing those bells. Stores that don’t allow them outside their doors any more are being very Scrooge-like. I always carry a bunch of dollar bills with me over the holidays and toss in a couple every time I go by the kettle. The Salvation Army is a worthwhile charity and all the money collected goes to help people as opposed to paying some asshole CEO millions of bucks a year, like some, such as the Red Cross.
After reading all the vitriolic hate directed at the Salvation Army, all I can say is – bullshit!!! Once upon a time a long time ago, I needed some help and who was first on the scene? Not the Red Cross. Not Goodwill. But there was the Salvation Army and they never asked a thing in return.
I have known a number of people since then – and actually a couple before – who were in the Salvation Army and they were among the nicest people you would ever want to meet. Yes, they are a religious organization and they are the only religious organization I will ever say a good word about.
They feed, clothe and offer shelter to the needy and in times of crisis are on the scene to help those who need help without asking if you’re gay, straight or whatever else there might be. I suppose there are some who might find something wrong with that, but I can’t.
So let the bells ring – and toss in a buck or your loose change when you go by the kettle. At least it’s going to help someone in need.
Well, Ann Landers always spoke very highly of The Salvation Army. And my whole life-plan has been based on Ms. Lederer’s advice.
Call me crazy, but I’m still here….
Last night I went to the grocery store and gave some money to the bell ringer. I asked how he was doing and he said he was freezing. I could see him rubbing his hands together and shivering before I walked up. He thanked me for the money. After I came back out of the store, I went next door to Starbucks and bought a hot chocolate. I went back to the bell ringer and gave it to him, plus the rest of the change that I had in my wallet. I thought he was going to faint, he kept thanking me and smiling as I walked away.
I’m with you @OneBadApple, Ann Landers new her stuff. I’m afriad whomever has taken over for Dear Abbey, who was AL’s sister (I think it’s either DA’s daughte or DIL) doesn’t do a very good job
Good on you relative to the ‘hot chocolate’ delivery, @Kardamom. As I’m sure you will agree, there is WAY too much “It’s all about me” in our world. The price of that hot chocolate bought a memory for that bell ringer which will last for the rest of his life.
Please accept my sincere admiration and respect this evening….
I wish I could offer everyone on this thread a hot chocolate.
I am shocked by your scat innuendos
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