Meta Question

ibstubro's avatar

Did the Fluther developers provide us with any sort of Fluther "Raspberry"?

Asked by ibstubro (18804points) November 21st, 2013

A user-to-user message where an answer was met with disdain?

Is there a polite way of saying, “Pluuuuth!” :-P

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19 Answers

syz's avatar


chyna's avatar


jonsblond's avatar

Removed by Fluther moderators

janbb's avatar


ibstubro's avatar

Damn. @syz I had hopes. Not to say, High hopes

filmfann's avatar

Fluther has matured, but years ago it was not unusual for some members to give a raspberry to others by posting a link that was just vile.

syz's avatar

@filmfann Instead of being Rick rolled, I think the new punishment should be being Outfoxed.

OneBadApple's avatar

I think the moderators’ allowing of some pretty (ahem) direct profanity just about covers anything which a ‘Bronx cheer’ would…

wildpotato's avatar

Only in a passive-aggressive sort of way, where lurve is withheld near-universally from a reprehensible answer and awarded copiously to the following derisive reply. An example can be seen with the fourth and eighth posts on this thread.

OneBadApple's avatar

Holy crap…..2008.

I was so young then….

Haleth's avatar


I wish more people read Gunnerkrigg Court.

ccrow's avatar

^^ I’m reading it now!

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks, all. I think ‘Pfffft’ pretty well covers it. Thanks @chyna! :)

OneBadApple's avatar

Sorry, I have to disagree. I think that @Haleth has come as close as I’ve ever seen anywhere, and should copyright “ppppppbbbbbttt”

( That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ to it…)

ibstubro's avatar

I was just counting Pfffft as a more accurate ‘Pshaw’, the traditional, but pppbbbttt is actually equally as good. :) @OneBadApple)

OneBadApple's avatar

No. Not as good. Better.

“Pfffft” is more in the “you don’t know what you’re talking about” family of noises…

OneBadApple's avatar

You can call it off in Kansas (or wherever-the-fuck) if you want, but I am staying on this until @Haleth is given some kind of award. A plaque, or a phone call from Obama or something…

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