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Mimishu1995's avatar

Recommendation for books/documents about 1950s America?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) November 22nd, 2013

It seems that documents about that time period are so scarce (or is it because of me?) Can you help me?

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6 Answers

lx102303's avatar

I thought that “The Fifties” (ISBN 9780679415596) By David Halberstam was an excellent book about the 1950s .

jaytkay's avatar

I don;t know how many libraries still have their bound volumes of old magazines, but if you can find them, Life magazine would be a great start.

Update: I just found that Google books has all the issues from 1935 to 1972. But if you can find paper copies, it’s a lot better. It was large format, and they had a fantastic staff of photographers.


Judi's avatar

I think it’s no longer considered politically correct but I loved reading Black Like Me when I was a kid.
I think The Outsiders was from that time period too.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Unbroken Sorry. I should have mentioned it. I want to know about the 1950’s life and culture (what people wear, behave… things like that)

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