Do you name your Fluther accounts randomly or are there any background stories behind you nicknames?
Why I chose my nickname “Mimishu1995”:
The name Mimishu comes from a ruler I used to buy when I was young. There was a very pretty mouse encraved on it and according to the letter written on ruler, its name seemed to be “Mimishu” (actually it was a Chinese name, and it seemed that “shu” means “rat” in Chinese). That mouse got such a good impression on me that when I created my Fluther account, with an aim to create a cool nickname, I named my account after it.
And 1995 is just my year of birth :)))
So is there any meaning behind your nicknames, or the only reason you name your account like that is because you just want a name?
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67 Answers
They’re my initials I guess…
I am an Audiologist (a medical professional who evaluates and treats disorders of the ear); and Kat is what my friends call me.
Mine describes me as the ghost of what I once was on another site. The avatar was a crow. Now it’s an Osprey, but who notices, and the Osprey is more appropriate these days. My only regret is the poor Latin grammar. It should be Espiritu, not Espiritus. I wish I could change that. It bugs me every single time I see it.
Yeah, there’s a story. No, the story is not for publication. A few friends here know. :)
Hmmm…that makes @dxs of Spanish or Hispanic heritage, me thinks. Xavier is the only x name I can think of?
Mine is still a pun on my name.
Mine either means I’m such a lousy hunter I have to eat bark, or I love the Adirondacks.
I orginally explained the motivation behind my choice of avatar in the following Fluther thread from 2008:
Does Your Avatar Have A Story Behind it
As far as the nickname, well, Blue is my favorite color and I associate a Bald Eagle with America’s national symbol and the inherent right for us to have all the freedom we do in the United States.
My “user” name is based on the town I lived in up until last spring. I still live within 10 miles. ‘Coloma” is the town where gold was discovered by James Marshall in 1849 that set off the California Goldrush. I now live in Placerville, just as historic, “Old Hangtown.” haha
I guess we’re not anonomyus on the net.
I like movies.
Ya, I know that these days everyone likes movies, but I have always loved them. I used to drive 1½ hours to see old silent movies. I hunted down old Russian films that were discussed in film commentaries. Now days, you just click a few buttons on a NetFlix account, and you can become a film historian without leaving your home.
Valerie is my name. 111 was added to have a username that hasn’t been picked.
Oh and yeah, I can’t spell for shit.
It’s a personal mantra.
Kolinahr is explained in my profile, but to put it more concisely, my screen name is a suggestion to myself to remain calm where I would otherwise tend toward emotional swings or outbursts.
It’s successful most of the time. Not all, but most.
^^ and endlessly challenging to spell correctly.
It’s just my name. That is all.
I started an electronics consulting firm back in the 1980s. We helped companies figure out how to use the latest (then) innovation, surface mount technology, to shrink circuits. I chose as my handle ETpro for Electronics Technology pro, not for Extraterrestrials. Been using it ever since. It’s like a nickname to me now, I’ve used it so long.
August is my birth month, and LAN are my initials. Like @ETpro, I’ve been using it for so long that if someone yelled out “Auggie” on the street, I’d totally turn around.
Mine’s from Shakespeare, although, admittedly, this was a username I used on another site years ago, and the inspiration for it was true, then. When I got here, I just got too lazy to think up something, so I used what seemed familiar, and what was comfortable.
Been thinking of changing it to Berserker though. But seeing as you only get one unjustified name change…well, I’ve been holding off.
Guess I’m not a true berserker, like you know you’re not ready to lose your virginity if you have to phone your older sister before having sex, to know if it’s alright.
My name is that I am a tall man living in Jasper national park. TallJasperMan.
I use “Downtide” in a lot of places online. My ancestors (on my dad’s side) were mostly Norfolk sailors. Because they had large families and it was customary for boys to be named after their fathers and grandfathers, they all took nicknames to differentiate them from one another, and one of them was Henry “Downtide” West. I totally stole his handle, but since he died several decades ago, I’m sure he won’t mind. He’d be disappointed that I’m not a sailor though, and I live 50 miles away from the sea.
I chose mine because I have a very loving heart. Sometimes too much you know.
@Coloma My family would drive through Placerville on the way to Tahoe from Sacramento about twice a year when I was a little kid. I guess they hadn’t finished I-80 yet. From the back seat, my big brother and I would marvel at the old “wild west” store fronts on the main street. We always got a special thrill when we passed the store or bar where they had a dummy dressed like a miner hanging from a flagstaff on the side of a building. Hangtown. We loved it. Do they still have that poor bastard hanging on mainstreet?
Random letters spawned from a mind that was too fucking lazy to come up with anything else, it’s just a username anyway, so not really bothered.
This is really interesting to me. My vision is failing and my mind often fills in the blanks when words seem blurred. When the names are explained, the pronunciation that is in my head is completely off.
Mine is completely unoriginal and random. I didn’t think I’d be around for very long, so I didn’t put much thought into it. I had just come home from shopping at American Eagle where, at the time, they had “live, laugh, love” on all of their shopping bags. I believe I was 22 when I set up the account, so 21 was also just a random number. Lucky 21? Couldn’t tell ya.
This is the only site that I frequent that I have a username that isn’t my first initial, last name, and year of birth. I didn’t want to give all that information away on here. All of the other sites are of the bill-paying or job-searching variety.
@ucme Huh, I always thought it meant “You see me.”
I just like the way mine sounds. It doesn’t mean anything, and I can’t remember what I was thinking when I chose it.
They JUST, unstrung the famous Hangman about a year ago, remodeled the building.
I don’t know what they did with him, a proper burial maybe? lol
@wildpotato I love that you got lurve for that answer, I really do.
Yeah, it obviously spells out that, but what i’m saying is, it was the first crap I thought of…you see?
One of my party threads asked the question…
Well fucme, have you seen who has 20k?
Something along those lines anyway, nice use of my username, versatile as well as neat.
@ucme How do you pronounce “ucme”?
@dxs Already covered that, you see?
I pronounce it like “fuck me” with out the f. But I occasionally say “ook me” when looking at it. And now I see it could be pronounced as “you see me”.
@dxs a couple of users thought it meant yoo-kay-me, a reference to my nationality & you have used your own definition. As I said, it works out as you see me, but it was just a random selection of letters tossed in on the spur of the moment, way back when.
I pronounce usernames in my head the wrong way all the time. And I get called augustian an awful lot. That’s an “L” in there, folks, not an “i”. :)
^ My son’s name is Ian and he was born in August. You’ve been August-Ian forever, until I learned your real name. ^_^
I get “dsx” frequently. Can’t even get the three letters in the right order.
Everyone wants me to be ‘turbo’. There was a polarizing member on Askville that used that moniker, and I was even accused of being an alter ego. You can’t fix stupid. I copy and paste usernames if I type them here without the @.
In my head I was always saying uck-me. I never saw the U see Me until now.
Mine is from a song. But it also a motto.
Cracks just let the light in. To be un broken you must first be broken. Or else it would be irrelevant. I have cracks and scar tissue but it just makes me stronger and more interesting or so I think.
My previous name rosehips was a pet name I was given by someone who is special to me, long ago.. The name of my first pipe and the name of an alt on world of warcraft. I changed it because i felt like it was no longer relevant to me and I was holding on to remnants.
Rosehips are wild and beautiful here, pink soft simple flowers and bitter hard berry rich in vitamin c. Also prickly, or maybe those are just the plants around it.
@Judi There you go, further proof of the versatility of four little letters plucked outta nowhere & placed on a screen. The way I see it, if people are going to see different pronunciations, then it doesn’t matter what the original intent was, it is what it is.
I couldn’t think of anything original and I had watched The Hunger Games the night before, so there you go. :0)
@ragingloli was always rangoli in my head until someone broke it down once.
I love to cook. Kardamom is a variation on the spelling of the spice cardamom, which is used a lot in Indian cooking and Nordic baking. It has the most intoxicating scent and flavor.
My picture is a lovely crookneck squash that I photographed at our county fair. I thought it went along nicely with the cooking theme.
I’m knowitall because I know a lot of weird random stuff and I have read a lot about a lot of different thing’s. One of the reason’s I stay here is because there’s a lot of people who know thing’s I don’t, so it’s still interesting.
Was originally “DutchCat” on Wisdm. Friend of mine dubbed me “Dutchess,” wrong spelling and all. It just stuck. _III is there because I originally set myself up as Dutchess here, and then I quit, so had to create a new name when I came back. I didn’t expect to stay long either, and just threw out “Val123.” I was Val123 for about 10,000 points, then I wanted Dutchess back, so I had to add the ‘_III ‘cause some bimbo had stolen “Dutchess” and I had to start all over again.
@ucme…. yes, icu. Always have. ;)
@judi LOL sounds like a Swiss cough lozenge. Where is the Rager? I’d like to know her story.
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Well, don’t walk around with “I’M SO HOT!!” written on the butt of your shorts @ucme!
I have been some variation of “snow” ever since I started using the Internet. I’ve been “snowberry” on other sites for quite a while, and I like it.
When I first met you I thought you were Blackberry with a twist…..couldn’t quite figure out what the twist was! And where IS Snowberry??
AH! Eureka! I think you made me ‘get’ it @snowberry!
I, too was confused by @Dutchess_III‘s answer. I think it’s black / white / snowberry?
If not, @Dutchess_III can give me a raspberry!
I’m a man who loves cookies and comic books, so cookieman seemed appropriate.
No I meant I confused her with Blackberry I thought at first that Blackberry had changed his name and color and sex. I was confused for a month.
There are numerous references for streets, housing developments, and bed and breakfasts named snowberry, as well as a novel about a town named Snowberry. I’m in good company, I think.
Yeah, and snowberry’s mine! LOL
Nice to meet you, Mlle Snowberry.
I’ve been “Yet another…(something-or-other)” on several sites, and when I came here (about 7 years ago) I, too, did not expect to stay long. So my user name is
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