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Berserker's avatar

Have you found any weird objects lately?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) November 23rd, 2013

Today I found a rubber sperm whale on the ground of a parking lot. Like one of those educational toys that really does look like a miniature version of what it portrays, full of detail and everything. It’s also pretty heavy. Not really meant to play with. It’s stuck the way it is, can’t move it in any way, like it’s going through rigarmortis or something. But it’s cool. Poor little whale was sitting in a parking lot, in the rain. My guess is some kid lost it, but it looks pretty old, full of scratches and paint missing. I couldn’t help to take it, it looked so sad out there all alone, in the rain.
So I apologize to whoever lost it, but I took your toy. I cleaned him, and now he’s hanging around in my bathroom.

I guess that’s not really a weird find, but since I haven’t played with toys for about 317 years, it seemed odd to me.

So what’s some weird, random thing you found lately? Can be anything, great or small, could have found it anywhere, in your house, or at the edge of the world. Please do share.

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