General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What does whale milk taste like?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) November 24th, 2013

Do they have a market for whale milk/cheese in Canada?

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11 Answers

Smitha's avatar

I’ve never tasted whale milk, but it would most probably be extremely creamy and rich because of its high fat content.

talljasperman's avatar

@Smitha Maybe ice cream or butter milk pancakes.

WestRiverrat's avatar

From Wiki: A blue whale’s milk tastes like a mixture of fish, liver, milk of magnesia, and castor oil. It has the consistency of soft butter.

Whale milk ice cream has about 900 calories per half cup.

I have never tasted it myself, but would be willing to try it.

hearkat's avatar

How the heck do they obtain whale milk? I hope they’re not keeping them confined in pens so humans can have a delicacy.

Smitha's avatar

@hearkat That’s a good question. Need to google it!

Smitha's avatar

@talljasperman If the taste is like what @WestRiverrat said then I guess I“ll stick to normal dairy milk.

ragingloli's avatar

A blue whale’s milk tastes like a mixture of fish, liver, milk of magnesia, and castor oil. It has the consistency of soft butter.
Are they sure they are talking about the whale’s milk?
And who tasted it?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@ragingloli LOL, I see what you did there.

Coloma's avatar

You’d have to ask a mama whale if you could suckle along side of her baby Beluga. lol

filmfann's avatar

As @ragingloli suggests, Make sure you didn’t get it from a sperm whale.

ragingloli's avatar

Their bukkake sessions must be truly terrifying.

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