Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

If a person weighs over 1,000 pounds and is totally bed-ridden, how on earth do they manage to continue consuming the enormous amount of calories it takes to stay that heavy?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 24th, 2013

Just saw a blurb about a “half-ton woman.” She can’t get up to go in the kitchen to get her own food. She can’t go to the grocery store. She can’t drive. She can’t do anything for herself, so someone is obviously bringing food to her. The woman can’t force that person to bring her food. Doesn’t that individual bear some responsibility for the woman’s weight issue?

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38 Answers

josie's avatar

That’s why they call them enablers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shouldn’t they be removed from the home and replaced with a professional care giver?

Seek's avatar

Who’s paying for that?

And besides, if someone has the means to eat themselves to morbid obesity, they have the right to do it, and to surround themselves with the caregivers they choose.

Pachy's avatar

I’d want to know a whole lot more about the woman and her physical and psychological state before making a judgment. In fact, I’d probably want to be a doctor.

jaytkay's avatar

I don’t think it takes a lot of calories to maintain your weight if you’re inactive, whether you weight 100 or 1,000 pounds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It would take a LOT @jaytkay, even if you’re sedentary. Just guessing, I’d say…15,000 calories per day. Or more.

The “judgement” isn’t on the woman @Pachyderm_In_The_Room. It’s on the person who voluntarily keeps feeding her. To death.

@Seek_Kolinahr It could be viewed as a disability, so the state would pay for it.

Seek's avatar

Are you guessing that, or do you know?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m guessing. But it’s logical. Talk about disabled!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, here’s a blurb on the woman in question. Looks like she’s lost 600 pounds!

jaytkay's avatar

I was guessing, too, about the calories needed to maintain weight.

ccrow's avatar

I put info into this calculator; I could only enter 999lbs as it only allowed for three digits, and I put 5 ft, 4 inches since I didn’t know how tall she was- it said 5150 calories per day. That’s still a lot, but if you eat fatty foods and sweets I don’t think it would need to take a whole lot of food to get there.

jca's avatar

I saw a similar show called “Half Ton Teen” and it was a really fat boy whose mom brought him cheeseburgers, fries, shakes, soda. It was incredible.

There was one I saw like “Half Ton Dad” or something. The guy was so heavy the FD had to come and saw out part of his wall to get him out. I won’t go into details about the hospital stay but it was not something to see if you’ve just eaten, because it was disgusting.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That doesn’t seem like that much @ccrow….

JLeslie's avatar

Height doesn’t matter. Calories and exercise, or lack thereof, equals weight (throw in a little for individual metabolism). That’s why a 5’2” person needs to eat less than a 5’10” person to be their normal weight. If the 5’2” eats the same as the taller person they will weigh the same, which will mean the 5’2” is now overweight, even if the taller person is thin.

Coloma's avatar

“Over a thousand pounds?” Impossible.
500 is about as big as a human body could get I’d assume. Sad and clearly some serious psychological issues there.
40 lbs. is one thing, 400 lbs. is a serious disease of mind and body.

ragingloli's avatar

They have probably mutated so much that they can absorb the atmosphere and transmutate it directly into fat molecules.

ragingloli's avatar

The heaviest human ever recorded was Jon Brower Minnoch, and his peak tonnage was 635kg.
He was, of course, a colonial.
Funny thing is, 10 out of 12 people on this fattest humans ever list are colonials.

glacial's avatar

@ragingloli Hey, don’t overgeneralize. They were Americans. ;)

jca's avatar

@Coloma: No, there are bigger people than 400 lbs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma here’s a link to the woman in question.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Coloma “500 is about as big as a human body could get I’d assume.”

Obviously not, as there are plenty of people bigger than that.

Coloma's avatar

Well….learn something new every day, I wouldn’t think it would be possible to live beyond 4–500 lbs. Jesus, your poor heart must just be encased in about 40 lbs. of fat. Gross!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III OMG! Poor, poor thing! Jesus!

jca's avatar

On this show “Half Ton Dad” the guy couldn’t close his legs. It turned out he had big tumors on his inner thighs that they had to cut out. It was like cutting out an entire person.

He could not shower, so they had to hose him down on the hospital bed. Big chips of his dried, deteriorated skin were falling on the ground. Can you imagine how he smelled? The skin was gray.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Which brings me back to the question, who was feeding her?

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Obviously the stable hand. lol
I know, not nice, but really…that woman had to be eating the equivalent of a bale of hay a day.
Really sad, really, her self esteem must be awful.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, that link is cheering. She’s lost 600 pounds! For her, 400 pounds must make her feel svelte!

talljasperman's avatar

Maybe she is eating pets that get too close.

Aster's avatar

I’ve seen that question put to caregivers. They’re family members who say, “if I don’t cook it for him he just orders home delivery. At least what I / we cook has some nutrition.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t think of that. But….to pay for that much home delivery would be VERY expensive. It would be like, 5 large pizza’s for dinner. How would they pay for it?

fundevogel's avatar

psst @glacial our @ragingloli pronounces ‘Americans’ as ‘Colonials’. I don’t know the roots of this particular linguistic tick, but it probably has to do with being European. And hilarious.

Seek's avatar

Sad thing is, @fundevogel, I’ve started doing it, too. Without even realising it, actually.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where did all that ^^^^ come from?!

Unbroken's avatar

I’m sorry I don’t view that woman as a victim or noble for trying to rescue her sister…. Gawd really protecting a sister even after she abused her son and probably her own children…

The whole thing is just sick. She had a catheter in her first pic just because she might break the toilet or didn’t want to move. Wth Sid she do all day?

Dutchess_III's avatar

She couldn’t get up to use the toilet @Unbroken.

Unbroken's avatar

If you were going to ignore all other signs that should have been the road closed do not proceed…

I mean wth she just figured out she was going to die? After she hit the news and lost her son?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It wasn’t her son. It was her nephew. From what I understand, her sister killed him (her son,) but the fat lady was willing to take the blame for her sister because she thought she was going to die anyway.

Unbroken's avatar

I skimmed the article. And I think she is guilty of manslaughter or aiding and abetting. The sister had 2 other children. Think she wasn’t beating them, or that it was the first time….

That woman made herself the victim.

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