Oh by the gods @filmfann, Legend of Dragoon, I completely agree. A pretty game for sure, but that’s all it has going for it. Otherwise, I found it so unbelievably boring. But it was a famous hit for some reason…
So…Legend of Dragoon.
Final Fantasy X. Maybe it’s because I’m too old school when it comes to Final Fantasy, but that game, I did not enjoy. I hate how it takes your hand all the way through, and how every character is strong against one type of enemy…so much battle depth is lost here. And Auron is a ghost with a broken arm, wow man.
I liked Blitzball though. While playing FFX that’s pretty much all I did was play Blitzball.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
I love Castlevania, but the 3D ones suck. Aside from Lament of Innocence, which I love. Incidentally, Lament was hated by all fans, but I loved it…must be something wrong with me. Anyways, Lords of Shadow. Hate that shit. It’s a just a big mix of all the popular 3D games such as God of War, Dante’s Inferno, Tomb Raider and Uncharted. I tried to not be bothered by this, but the Castlevania feel just is not there. A fucking money sucker game that just borrows what all the big sellers did. ...and isn’t there supposed to be a castle in Castlevania? Well, truth be told, I got to it…but eh. There’s minimal exploration, and instead of fighting the creatures of the night, such as skeletons, ghosts and whatnot, you fight generic trolls, goblins and…pfft.
And DAMNIT. Climbing on giant enemies for 20 minutes and then attacking their weak spot only worked in Shadow of the Colossus. Otherwise, this idea is boring. Stop adding this in every game! Aaargh.
Anyways I hate the Shadows series, except the DS version, which is pretty cool, as it’s 2D.