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ragingloli's avatar

What are your top 3 Video Games, that everyone seems to think are great, while they are actually crap on so many levels?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) November 25th, 2013

1. Fallout 3
2. Skyrim
3. The entire Call of Duty franchise.

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22 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Mass Effect
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

filmfann's avatar

I haven’t played video games in years, so I gave this question to my son, who is 26, and has played every waking moment, it seems, for 20 years.

1) Halo

2) Vagrant Story

3) Legend of Dragoon

Berserker's avatar

Oh by the gods @filmfann, Legend of Dragoon, I completely agree. A pretty game for sure, but that’s all it has going for it. Otherwise, I found it so unbelievably boring. But it was a famous hit for some reason…

So…Legend of Dragoon.

Final Fantasy X. Maybe it’s because I’m too old school when it comes to Final Fantasy, but that game, I did not enjoy. I hate how it takes your hand all the way through, and how every character is strong against one type of enemy…so much battle depth is lost here. And Auron is a ghost with a broken arm, wow man.
I liked Blitzball though. While playing FFX that’s pretty much all I did was play Blitzball.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow

I love Castlevania, but the 3D ones suck. Aside from Lament of Innocence, which I love. Incidentally, Lament was hated by all fans, but I loved it…must be something wrong with me. Anyways, Lords of Shadow. Hate that shit. It’s a just a big mix of all the popular 3D games such as God of War, Dante’s Inferno, Tomb Raider and Uncharted. I tried to not be bothered by this, but the Castlevania feel just is not there. A fucking money sucker game that just borrows what all the big sellers did. ...and isn’t there supposed to be a castle in Castlevania? Well, truth be told, I got to it…but eh. There’s minimal exploration, and instead of fighting the creatures of the night, such as skeletons, ghosts and whatnot, you fight generic trolls, goblins and…pfft.

And DAMNIT. Climbing on giant enemies for 20 minutes and then attacking their weak spot only worked in Shadow of the Colossus. Otherwise, this idea is boring. Stop adding this in every game! Aaargh.

Anyways I hate the Shadows series, except the DS version, which is pretty cool, as it’s 2D.

Seek's avatar

World of Warcraft.


Anything that is a first-person shooter.

Mostly, I hate anything that gives people the impression that they know how to roleplay without actually letting them learn how to roleplay. WOW players are the WORST D&D players.

SavoirFaire's avatar

1. Quake III Arena (PC) – An unsuccessful attempt to keep up with Unreal and Unreal Tournament by giving up on what people liked about the Quake series. If they really felt the need to compete with GT interactive, then they should have just been released it as a separate title.

2. Jurassic Park (Sega) – I don’t care how popular the book and the movie were, this game was terrible. The play control was atrocious, and it just wasn’t very much fun.

3. Rock Band (Xbox/PS3) – A music game that not only requires no musical skills, but actively rewards bad technique.

@Symbeline I’m totally with you on the failure of most 3D Castlevania games. I loved Final Fantasy X, though. Yes, it was rather linear (and easy). But to be fair, Square warned players that FFX was going to be a break from previous entries in the series. That’s why they gave us FFIX, which is basically one giant homage to all the previous games.

@Seek_Kolinahr Do people really think that their WoW playing experiences will translate to D&D? How illogical.

Berserker's avatar

@SavoirFaire Oh I know. FFX does everything it set out to do perfectly; so it’s no wonder it’s a loved title. I just couldn’t share in with the rest, as my heart still lies with Kefka. Lol. Loved VII, VIII and IX too though. A bit on the easy side, but still with a lot of depth. But I guess that’s why they give you crazy ass optional monsters to fight like the weapons or Ozma, in case everything is too easy.

Moar liek Lolzma amirite? :D

@Seek_Kolinahr Anything that is a first-person shooter.

Aye matey, agreed. I hate FPS’s. Although I have to give Bioshock an exception because of the great content. It’s not like other shooters. Wicked atmospheric style and story. But it plays like other shooters, and therefore, I suck at it,.

And what the fuck @Warcraft. That game sucks ass.

Seek's avatar

I would have been so much better in that story than Rinoa. I want Squall so hard.

Berserker's avatar

I want Seifer so bad. Haaaawt.

Rinoa was a freakin dumbass. Seemed to me that she was always stoned on something. Her dog Angelo though, he was awesome lol.

Oh and I just gotta mention this though, Rinoa and I share the same birthday LOL.

ragingloli's avatar

I hated FFX. Because of the main character, that annoying, obnoxious cunt. And except for Auron, the other characters only made it worse.
Mind you, FFXII’s main character is hardly an improvement, but at least the other characters made up for it.

Berserker's avatar

@ragingloli You didn’t like Wakka? I know he’s a goof and everything, but he was the only character in this who ever said anything meaningful when he was serious.

ragingloli's avatar

He was the worst of the bunch.

Berserker's avatar

He was the only one who kept my attention. All the characters were so cookie cutter in this…but yeah, Wakka did use beach balls to fight. the fuck

ragingloli's avatar

I generally hate it, if they fail to make the supposed main character have no real motivation to advance/be part of the plot. In X and XII they just get swept along.

Berserker's avatar

Well I guess near the end of X you realize that Tidus has the hots for Yuna. Some of the story bits weren’t that bad, but I do get what you mean. Main dudes from the other games are at least centered around what’s going on, so you can appreciate that idea, even if you don’t like what propels it. I mean in FFVII Cloud doesn’t give a fuck about anything for a while, but it’s all part of everything, so it worked.

And fuck FFXII, I must have played 12 hours, and that’s it. I denno man…just seemed weird to not really do anything in battles. Not saying that one has no depth, prolly does, but I couldn’t find the motivation to go on.

jerv's avatar

Resident Evil
God of War
Final Fantasy (except VII, which was decent)

@Michael_Huntington How could you not like Deus Ex? Not your genre?

ragingloli's avatar

He means the new one. Aside from it being unimpressive in terms of technology and asset quality, it lacked depth and scale.

also, how could you not like Final Fantasy? Not your genre?

Berserker's avatar

@jerv Gots ta agree. I don’t know if you know, but I like zombies. Lots. But fuck RE. Crap controls, stupid camera, dumbass item combining scheme that would have been better relegated to a more traditional form of item procurement. And seriously, you need to collect typewriter things to save? Really? I know it’s survival horror, but what a dumb idea.Well I only played the first three, so may be out of date with what they done to the series lately…sept I played number 5, and that sucked. It’s action, not survival horror, and there are no zombies in this, just monsters. But points for looking up Sheeva’s skirt if you give her the secretary outfit. Lol.

Seriously, fuck Resident Evil. Guess I kinda liked number 2…because it had zombies in it. Mostly…

jerv's avatar

@ragingloli There’s a difference between unimpressive and crap. Yes, it could’ve been better executed, but it’s far from crap.

As for FF, they got gimmicky and decided to go more with weird mechanics and flashy visuals than with good game design. There’s a reason no other FF has even come close to 7 in popularity or sales.

@Symbeline I’m not into those games, but at least many others have workable controls and mechanics; they’re good games that just aren’t my style. RE though…. no redeeming qualities that I can see.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Generally, I like games and I’m a pretty forgiving gamer. When I play a game, if the gameplay isn’t good, I will try to find some other things of the game to enjoy, like the story (if there’s any), the soundtrack… and vice versa
But that’s doesn’t mean I don’t have any bad games. There are still games that I can’t seem to find any good things of.

Here’s my top 3:
3/ American McGee’s Alice: everyone seems to thinks this game is better than its sequel Alice: Madness Returns, but in my opinion, this game sucks, and the sequel’s better! Some levels are ridiculously hard, especially the first levels: I am provided with a knife which can only inflict very small damage, and I have to get very close to my enemies to fight with it. Consequently while I fight, my enemies have more than enough time to fight back and kill me. Later weapons are better, but they cost the stupid “will power”. Many times I find myself in a situation that I’m force to choose between using a good weapon only once (because I’ve already run out of will power) then losing the ability to fight altogether; and getting back to the stupid knife while waiting for the will power to recharge. However, the game’s good soundtrack and a solid story have made up for these loss.
2/ Corpse Party: I don’t know what to call this game, a visual novel or an adventure game. As an adventure game, the gameplay seems broken. The game switches my characters so often that I don’t know who I am really playing as. I get to collect items, but I only need to interact with the right spots and then the items will be automatically used, making the inventory menu and the descriptions of these item next to useless. As a visual novel, the story is so distorted. It seems that the only characters the story follows (and allows to stay in for a considerable time) are Satoshi, Yoshiki, Shinozaki, Naomi and Yuka. The other characters seem like… some kind of decorations. They come and go so quickly that there isn’t time to focus on their personality. However, the game has very good soundtrack, and the story is still gripping in a way.
1/ The Testament of Sherlock Holmes (actually the first one that comes to mind): The gameplay is so crappy. There’s a feature which allows you to switch between Watson and Holmes, but in fact you can only use this feature once. The puzzles are nowhere related to the whole game, just some random iPhone puzzle games thrown in one place. The soundtrack is just too forgettable. And the story is the worst part of all: there are too many plot holes like when Watson – a doctor – gets too dump to see through Holmes’s fake suicide (Holmes pretends to shoot himself on the head and use goal’s blood as his blood), then becomes too smart all of a sudden to get down the sewer and save Holmes just in time. This is a game that I can’t seem to find anything good about. I can’t think of a reason why this game gets so many positive reviews.
Sorry for a lengthy answer. I don’t think you are familiar with those games so I just try to give as many details as possible

Berserker's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Alice the Madness Returns is a great game, and I agree completely, the first one SUCKS. It came with the sequel on PS3, and I went through the whole damn thing, because I wanted to get 100% of the trophies for everything. But GOD is it the most frustrating game ever. I’ve played worse paltformers, but this does rank among the worse of the worse. I found myself saving the game at about every 30 steps because you just die, die, die, die, die and fuckin die and die again.
And it’s completely imbalanced with the weapons. They offer you a lot of weapons, but I found that going through the game with one or two just does the job, except maybe at specific points. And the Jaberwocky can kiss my ass. That boss was way too hard. I ended up beating him by getting stuck behind some rocks where he couldn’t reach me. Lol.

But yeah, the game has a bitchin soundtrack.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Basically any JRPG (or just about anything out of Japan for that matter, with exceptions of course).

Valerie111's avatar

Call of Duty

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