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poisonedantidote's avatar

Are there any foods you like more, if they are cheap and nasty?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) November 26th, 2013

I just had something to eat, and it has inspired a question.

I really like maccaroni and cheese, and have tried many variations of it over the years. I have had it in fancy restaurants, where they serve expensive cheese melted on a couple loose pretentious pieces of pasta. I have made my own versions with different kinds of cheese and home made cheese sauces, but in my opinion, the best maccaroni and cheese you can get, is the kind that comes in the cheap ready made packets.

The same is also true for me with custard, I like custard, but the best kind for my money is the shitty instant poweder version.

So I was wondering, are there any foods that you like more, when they are in their cheap and nasty form?

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40 Answers

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Home oven pizza.

I do make modifications:

Extra quality mozzarella, chorizo, etc.

If some doesn’t migrate onto the rack and burn it didn’t happen.

downtide's avatar

Hot dog sausages. My favourites are the ones that come in a can.

Kardamom's avatar

I will occasionally indulge in nachos at the county fair or at Taco Bell. It’s so good, but so bad at the same time.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I’m a dyed in the napkin foodie but love canned pasta on toast.

My Sicilian wife cringes yet survives.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Pickled turkey gizzards.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Potato chips, frito’s, instant Jello fat-free puddings for $0.99 a 4 pack.

@Kardamom I get nacho’s at TB on occasion, it seems like the lesser evil, at least you see what’s in there, kind of…lol

Seek's avatar

I have a weakness for Chef Boyardee beef ravioli. I’ve often eaten a full tin and gone back for another.

I want to say I’m with you on the $0.30 packets of mac and cheese, but it’s Velveeta shells and cheddar for me. ^_^

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Make it mini-ravioli’s for .99 cents a can, and I’m in on that. :)

ucme's avatar

I quite like that meat pie crap that has a boiled egg in the middle, it’s fucking hilarious too.

ibstubro's avatar

American cheese and Miracle Whip sandwiches, only I buy the Aldi whip.

Canned mushrooms. Especially on pizza.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ibstubro have you seen the whipped cream commercials, do you want oil or cream? Apparently I like good ole oil because I LOVE Cool Whip!!!! :)

ibstubro's avatar

No, I have not, @KNOWITALL. I only see commercials if I’m on holiday, as I have no TV channel. :)

Kardamom's avatar

@ibstubro I thought I was the only one who liked canned mushrooms! They are quite different in flavor and texture than fresh, but they’re totally yummy.

When I still ate meat, so this is going on 25 years now, I used to love those Tamales in a Can and Deviled Ham

I still like canned peas.

ibstubro's avatar

@Kardamom there are certain things that scream for canned mushrooms. Pizza and spaghetti for me.

Underwood canned meat locally and I had a relative who worked there 17 years and retired. Around college age I LOVED the canned roast beef spread. We had a recipe for the chicken spread where we added an egg and cracker crumbs, then breaded in crumbs. Chickerloin!

I must be around 20 years veggie, give or take a few.

Kardamom's avatar

@ibstubro That just reminded me, do you recall that dried beef in a Jar. It was super salty and good. My Mom used to make something like chipped beef on toast with it, with homemade white gravy. It was so good, but I’m sure it was filled with nitrites and other terrible things.

I also loved still secretly love Kraft Pineapple Cheese Spread and Easy Cheeze and Cheese and Crackers

glacial's avatar

I’m with you on the macaroni and cheese. I love the occasional box of KD, but I detest “macaroni”. To me, they’re not even the same food.

ibstubro's avatar

SOS, @Kardamom. Shit on a shingle. The servicemen complained about it during the war, but developed a taste for it all the same, and brought it back with them. We never had it. The only thing we used the beef for was eating and cheese balls.

I have a DELICIOUS warm crab meat dip somewhere that used those little jars of Kraft cheese spread. I didn’t realize they ever still made it until I was given the recipe a few years back.

ibstubro's avatar

congrats on the cool 11,000 @glacial!

glacial's avatar

@ibstubro Yeah, I seem to have this thing for round numbers lately. :)

Kardamom's avatar

@ibstubro I still like Port Wine Cheeseballs too.

One of my friends told me that when he was a kid, his Mom always got a port wine cheese ball that was served at Christmas. Once a year, only. He loved those cheeseballs, so when he turned 18 and moved out on his own, he bought some and ate one a week for about 2 months (by himself). He ate so many of them, that he now can’t stand them. What a bummer, because they’re so yummy!

ibstubro's avatar

I like the cheese balls with blue cheese!

I went to the deli the other day to get one of my signature ‘blue cheese-and-onion-dampened-with-ranch-dressing’ sandwiches, and she wouldn’t make it. :-( All we have is crumbles. (Duh, that’s what the RANCH is for!)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Ibsturo Would you believe I ordered that at a restaurant & my momwas mortified lol, canned hash is good too.

ibstubro's avatar

What? You ordered a blue cheese, onion and ranch sandwich?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Ibsturo Shit on a shingle. Chipped beef & white gravy over toast. Mom was like ‘really april dawn’ lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

Canned pears. I mean a fresh pear is good and all but it doesn’t come close to comparing with the soft sugary kind in the can.

ibstubro's avatar

OH, OKAY! You were freaking me out on your hillbilly butt ordering blue cheese and onion sandwiches in the Ozarks.

We never had SOS, but my mom wasn’t big on cooking, so we didn’t have mashed potatoes a lot. We’d eat milk (chicken) gravy over torn bread. Basically the same thing. Today, I’d at least toast the bread.

One really depression era, white trashy, ‘eatin poor don’t have to be poor eatin’ thing I really like is milk (sausage) gravy over sliced tomatoes! “There was always plenty of gravy and tomatoes, but the biscuits ran out!” an old woman told me.

If that interests you, you should look for a book named “West of Woodland” by Rudy Campfield. (That might not be 100% accurate from memory. If you’re interested PM and I’ll get up off my butt and check the actual. Eventually.)

Pachy's avatar

I love really good hamburgers, but every once in a while I just gotta have a Whataburger, even a Burger King.

tom_g's avatar

I prefer the cheapest hot dog and hamburger buns – the kind that turns into a paste that sticks to the roof of your mouth.

Seek's avatar

^ With a slice of American “cheese” and French’s mustard?

Kardamom's avatar

We are a sorry lot, yeah? Can you imagine anyone wanting to come over to our houses and have dinner with any one of us? Hee Hee. More for us, though!

Seek's avatar

Hey, I’ll have French brie and heirloom grapes with a splash of Champagne if you’re buying, but I’m not saying I won’t slum it with some Spaghetti-O’s, either. ^_^

Smitha's avatar

Saucy sausage pasta.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Mozzarella sticks. I once ordered some from a fancy Italian restaurant. They were terrible. But that little hole in the wall that probably hasn’t washed anything since it opened? The best mozzarella sticks you’ll ever have. They have some damn good fried zucchini as well. And since this is a college town, they’re open until 2:00 am. Every night.

Berserker's avatar

Guess I’m with you there bro, I’ve nicknamed Kraft Dinner the ’‘food of kings’’.

I mean, it’s not that good, but when you’re poor, it’s actually pretty awesome. Tastes great compared to ramen noodles or fucking ’‘Sidekicks’’.

Of course, you have to have milk and butter to make it…I tried with just water once because I didn’t have anything else, good way to ruin it. Also, accept no substitute. There are lots of macaroni and cheese brands, but Kraft is really the only good one. (in my experience)

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Forgive me but I pegged you as one of those twigs and pebbles food snobs.

Glad to know I’m wrong.

Seek's avatar

^ I’m a coffee snob and no mistake, but that’s about it.

ibstubro's avatar

Speaking of K R A F T…I was raised on the spaghetti-in-a-box that you add tomato sauce to. I STILL love it! Spicy.

Strauss's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room GA for Whataburger! I haven’t had one of those since I left Texas!

Even though I usually try to keep it healthy and organic, there are times I can’t resist a Go-go taquito from 7-Eleven.

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