Do I take the baby and run, or stay and risk it?
My boyfriend came home today from a trip out of state and on the way home he experienced vomiting and diarrhea. He says he feels absolutely fine now, but I’m not sure if it will return suddenly. My mother got word of this and she’s worried my son might catch it just in time for Thanksgiving. She wants me to come stay at her house for a few days. My family are germ freaks and would prefer living in a plastic bubble. I am not so insane, but of course I would like to avoid my son catching the flu if possible.
How can we even be sure this is the flu? No fever, no body aches. Just a bout of stomach issues that might be over now. Is the flu airborne? Should we stay and just sanitize everything? Or should we play it safe and stay with my mother?
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18 Answers
Did he have a flu shot, did you and your little one have flu shots? ? ?
Vomiting ( germ freak ) does not mean flu.
Ask him where he ate and were any of the places questionable.
@Tropical_Willie No flu shots for any of us. The only meal he ate all day was a McDonald’s Big Mac and right afterwards was when everything happened.
Sounds like a stomach bug to me, not the flu.
The flu is a respiratory illness. It is airborne. Vomiting and diarrhea are not the flu. They may be a stomach virus or it could be related to something he ate. Proper hand hygiene should be enough to protect you and your son. If you are really concerned, try to keep distance from him until you know he is better.
A health inspector told me once that most illnesses people believe are stomach flu are actually bouts with minor food poisoning. Her advice was that if there is not a fever or other symptoms aside from the vomiting and diaharrea, it is likely food poisoning and not contagious.
It seems he either got food poisoning or stomach flu. If you are nursing chances are your baby will be protected and not get sick. Vaccines for rotavirus can protect children from some types of stomach flu. Best way to protect him is to make sure you are washing your hands with soap and water and drying them. The viruses that cause gastroenteritis are spread through close contact with infected people, such as by sharing food or using same plates or utensils.
Unless the child has a compromised immune system I feel exposure to germs is a good thing in the long term for a child, it acutally helps to build up his/her immune system. I think when you put a child in a bubble then you are actually putting him/her at more of a risk because their immune system didn’t have a chance to fight a milder case of the same illness.
Good Luck with “your” choice on what is best for your son and remember all you can do is your best and make the decisions you think are best for him.
This happened to me as well, about two years ago, after eating a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s.
I got the runs, my stomach was doing flops and I felt terrible. I managed not to puke but I sure did feel like it.
With no fever, it just isn’t the flu. I am a mommy, I understand thye desire to protect your child, but you have nothing to fear. If your baby were going to catch this, leaving now is too late. Stay, baby your suffering man, and be glad your baby is okay.
You don’t mention how old the child is.
If he’s quite young, under two, I’d book it for a while. My son had reflux, and trying to maintain weight when a child is puking all the time is just a miserable experience for all involved. If it’s just food poisoning then it’ll pass and you can go home, and if it’s a stomach bug your baby doesn’t have to be sick. Win/win.
Most viruses spread before the victim feels the effects. So chances are that your baby is either infected already or immune, or that it just a slight case of food poisoning.
Why don’t you call your pediatrician and ask?
Thanks all! So far so good. He’s been feeling just fine and no more symptoms. He thinks it was just a bad reaction to the food. I decided to stay and take our chances. The baby is 2 and he’s only been sick twice in his life. I think he needs to start building up his immunities before he starts school and gets sick every week!
@ItalianPrincess1217 Happy to hear that everything is fine! So now you can get ready for celebrating Thanksgiving day! Wish you and your family a happy, healthy and memorable Thanksgiving day!
If it’s the stomach flu it is highly contagious and you will be showing symptoms quickly, within 12–24 hours after exposure. If nobody is throwing up by Thursday morning you’re probably out of the woods.
You and your boyfriend have a more precise diagnosis of your son because you can take his temperature and check periodically to see how he is doing. Since your mother is not in close vicinity to him she doesn’t have an actual reading of his condition.
However if you want to be on the safe side and insure your son being free of this particular virus at this time you may consider moving him to a more sterilized environment.
Hope your child will be well.
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