Do you consider raisins to be actual fruit or just filler?
Asked by
kritiper (
November 26th, 2013
Years ago there was a new cereal that came on the market in 4 types: and 3 had raisins!
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28 Answers
Is the mighty grape a fruit?
I would consider most cereals with raisins to be filler [cereal] with fruit [raisins], personally.
Like dried strawbwrries & bananas, dried grapes are fruit. The flakes aarent always tasty.
@KNOWITALL‘s got it right. They add a bit of flavor and sweetness.
They are a fruit. I don’t see why anyone would call something so delicious a filler. Raisins are used in some of the best desserts and putting them in cereal is basically like a healthy alternative to other dessert breakfasts.
Isn’t, by definition, any dried fruit a fruit?
I love grapes but hate raisins. I’d call them nasty. They are probably all the sub par grapes that weren’t good enough to sell fresh.
I hope @gailcalled isn’t going in for the kill. Sharp. Sharper. EEEEEEE!
@flip86. No raisins are garden slugs that didn’t make the cut. Haven’t you seen a raisin pie?
This question has me intermittently opening my mouth to comment, and then closing it, knowing that nothing I could possibly say could come out without sounding demeaning.
Sorry @gailcalled
I thought the the points you’d already made might be leading up to something.
“Is the mighty grape a fruit?”
“Isn’t, by definition, any dried fruit a fruit?”
Well then, WTF, MAKE THE POINT Gail, called.
According to my writing style, I have. Less is more.
Here’s the point:
Removing water from a fruit doesn’t turn it into a Mars bar. It just makes it a drier fruit.
Sun-dried tomatoes are still tomatoes.
Prunes are still plums
Craisins are still cranberries.
And raisins are still grapes.
However, sadly you cannot reverse the process. Soak a raisin and it just becomes plumper, rather than turning back into a plum.
True enough, but soaked dried fruit is very, very refreshing on the battlefield.
I used to be a Civil War re-enactor, and it was my job to keep the Marines hydrated. Florida, Summer, wool garb, direct sunlight for hours whilst dragging a thousand pound cannon all over Creation…
I carried a canvas bucket full of water, and would dump a few packages of dried fruit in the bottom. The guys got a few extra vitamins in their water, and a nice sweet surprise in the bottom of their tin cups.
Just to be really pedantic… I think the cereal grains are technically fruit also.
HA. I will NOT. I repeat NOT. Call @gailcalled on raisin/prune. Nope. Never. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!
@Kropotkin While it is botanically accurate to call cereals fruit, the majority of the edible area of the cereal grain is actually seed.
@ibstubro: Call, call. I was so captivated with the plumper…plum connection that I was sloppy. But I don’t think I ever said prune, did I?
is prune another no-no, or is that a personal affliction?
I consider them freakin’ scary.
I consider raisins to be fucking disgusting, like rodent droppings & sultanas…blech.
I think raisins are a great food, and definitely a dried fruit. They have a nice amount of iron and can help move food through the system. Ironically, people who need iron, and take iron pills;the pills tend to constipate. Prunes are usually the fruit recommended for constipation, but raisins in my opinion work just as well, and they actually taste good, I hate prunes. Raisins have a little bit more iron too.
Of course not. They are fish.
Yes, technically they are fruit but they put the damn things in EVERYTHING so they must be filler!
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