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JLeslie's avatar

Are you going to be traveling for Thanksgiving in the bad weather?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) November 27th, 2013

Last night my husband told me the weather east of the Mississippi is supposed to be bad Wednesday and into Thursday. I barely look at the weather, so I had no idea until he told me. He will be travelling by train Thanksgiving day and was worried about delaye, but I’m not. A few minutes ago I saw on TV that it looks like it will be pretty bad. Possibly the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade will be cancelled.

As a child we drove through icy weather in the northeast for Thanksgiving and it was a nightmare. My parents after doing it twice never did it again. We lived about 5 hours away from the rest of our family.

For sure some flights will be delayed and cancelled.

Would bad weather stop you from driving to see family on Thanksgiving? Or, any holiday for that matter. Are you going to make the drive no matter what the risk?

If your flight gets cancelled how upset will you be?

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19 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

We lucked out. Not much weather action around Lake Michigan where me and my family will be traveling.

anniereborn's avatar

I would never drive any distance in dangerous weather for anything short of an emergency.
On Thanksgiving we are only going to a friend’s place about five minutes away.
The next day I hope the weather is okay as I plan to visit my mother. She is an hour’s drive away.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Absolutely not. Some years I do. This year I stay at home.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Right in the bulls eye, we’ll see if I’m good enough. :).

johnpowell's avatar

Oregon. No sales tax and weather like soup. Wet and the same but never painful.

OneBadApple's avatar

The bad weather arrived at our house 10 days ago, and is living inside our walls. She It will remain here for still another week until our latest ‘patience test’ reaches its conclusion.

We’ve survived her it in the past, and will likely survive her it again…

jca's avatar

I will be driving home from work today and onward to some shopping (for work party where 500 people will attend, so I need to pick up something for the goody bags, but I’ll be getting major mileage paid for trip) and then picking up some food for what I’m bringing to Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving I am going to parents’ house which is about 45 minutes by car.

Last night my ride home was a slow mess due to rain and accidents.

I am not doing any Christmas shopping any time soon. I am anti-Black Friday.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, but only 80 or so miles as the turkey flies. The weather was miserable a few days ago but TG promises to be only partly cloudy and in the mid-50s.

Be safe, all you jellies who are traveling in bad weather.

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, maybe a bit of rain here in Northern California, but that would be light rain. More worried about torrential traffic.

ibstubro's avatar

Yes, I have a 4 hour trek across Illinois.

A few years back I was returning from Florida to MO just after a big ice storm. For some reason, as soon as we hit the Indiana border, there were cars off at every overpass. That continued throughout Indiana. I don’t know if it’s something to do with mentality or road construction, but it’s true. Indiana, the land of “No Sitting, Standing or Walking on Shoulder” signs. Like that’s a state past time.

jonsblond's avatar

We’ve already had our share of bad weather here in Illinois and now we are just dealing with bitter cold. The windchill is 1°F right now. Thanksgiving this year will just be our immediate family and I will only need to go outside to let the dogs do their duty and maybe go for a beer run.

When we did travel in years past my parents would insist we not travel in bad weather. I agreed with them. I’m always checking the weather forecast, so we usually know what’s coming our way and we change our plans if the weather isn’t going to cooperate. Most of our family lives within 60–90 miles, so it isn’t that difficult for us to change the date of the get together if we need to.

ibstubro's avatar

You’re in the wrong part of IL, @jonsblond. I’ve not had bad here, but for the high winds. I didn’t see or here of any local damage.

jonsblond's avatar

Storms, tornadoes, winds and power outages a little over a week ago, from west central to central IL @ibstubro, but it’s a beautiful part of the state. I love it here! :)

ibstubro's avatar

I’m not much off of you, @jonsblond, plus I have the sanity of MO nearer. lol

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’ll be at work, but my husband will be taking our children to his cousins house. They only live about 20 minutes away from us and as of right now, the roads are clear. He wouldn’t let the weather stop him unless it was really bad.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I am going to be travelling, but there is supposed to be good driving weather where I am travelling.

hearkat's avatar

The rain had stopped by the time I left work at 8p.m.

SnoopyGirl's avatar

Yes, I will be travelling Thur morning. I live in the northeast where there has been a lot of flooding. It has subsided so it is safe to travel. If it wasnt safe, I definitely wouldnt be travelling with my boys. They are far more precious than celebrating Thanksgiving with relatives.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all you jellies!

OneBadApple's avatar

OK, then. Be careful anyway, Snoops.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and those ( I’m quite sure ) beautiful boys….

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