Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever apologized even when you didn't do anything wrong?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) November 27th, 2013

If so, why?

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29 Answers

syz's avatar

Of course. Sometimes the relationship is more important than facts.

LornaLove's avatar

No, but I have stopped being angry enough to say let’s talk about it.

Seelix's avatar

I’m Canadian. That should speak for itself ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

…It doesn’t…?

Coloma's avatar

Hell no, I respect myself more than that!
IF I need to apologize I will but I certainly won’t fall all over myself to keep the peace.
I refuse to be manipulated into anything. Pffft!

Seelix's avatar

Canadians are stereotypically known for apologizing all the time. I don’t think we do, but it seems to be a thing that people think.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh! I’m sorry….I didn’t know that @Seelix! :)

gailcalled's avatar

If someone I care about is distressed, right or wrong have no meaning. Of course. How hard is it to say, “I am really sorry I upset you. Who cares what the address of the Museum of Natural History is?” (I would probably leave that sentence out.).

jonsblond's avatar

Many people think they’ve done nothing wrong and they aren’t aware that they are partly responsible for the conflict.

If someone accussed me of stealing something when I didn’t, I would not apologize. I will apologize if someone says I hurt them, even if I think I didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve often realized later that I could have handled the situation differently and done something else that would not have provoked or added to the conflict.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Really god answer @jonsblond. You’re right…so often we don’t realize how people perceived whatever it was you said or did. If they got offended, even when no offense was meant, then you should apologize. Within reason. Some people get offended when you say “Hi.”

jonsblond's avatar

It’s often how we say things and not what we say that hurts others. Realizing this has helped me tremendously. I have little conflict in my life now.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, out of guilt—and I was always sorry for doing it. (Really. Not trying to be funny)

ucme's avatar

I think that’s what I dislike most when people say “i’m sorry for your loss.”
Sounds like an apology, what, like, you killed them!?!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I do that all the time, even when I think I’m right or something needed to be said. I’m not always sorry for the act/ words, but I’m sorry for the feelings I may have hurt/ relationship.

I always said I wouldn’t lie for my friends or lie to them, so don’t ask if you don’t want the truth.

For me it’s that I just don’t like to hurt anyone, intentionally or not, we all have enough problems to deal with in life.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ Do these pants make me look fat?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III A little hippy….lol

Lorna's avatar

All the bloody time. It is easier than trying to explain innocence.

Coloma's avatar

I think it’s important to remember that nobody “makes” anybody feel anything. If someone offends you it is because you are already agreeing with their statements on some deep internal level. Otherwise you would not feel offended.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Coloma Deep and interesting comment, I’ll ponder that.

jonsblond's avatar

I agree that nobody can make you feel anything @Coloma. I have to disagree with your other comment, though. I was offended by a comment when someone said I shouldn’t own pets. I disagreed with that statement 100%. There’s no deep level agreement going on with that statement. This person did not know me well enough to make that statement. It was based on the fact that we let our cat outside. Since this person doesn’t know me well enough I really shouldn’t care to be offended, but I let myself get hurt by the statement because we care for our pets. It was a mean and hurtful comment, dammit.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond Devils Advocate okay? It’s hard for some of us pet owners to hear that someone loves their pet, but let’s them wander about off-leash, free to be killed by another animal, human, car, etc… Is that what they meant?

anniereborn's avatar

I grew up doing that all the time. I hoped it would make my parents feel better. And make their marriage better. Yes, I have issues. I carried that into my first marriage. I don’t think I do that very much anymore after years and years of therapy.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond Well…obviously if you KNOW someones statement is false you might feel offended but still, you let it go because you know it is an untruth so no need to argue with anothers mis-perceptions. :-)

jonsblond's avatar

@Coloma Exactly. :)

@KNOWITALL Probably, but I’m sure many people who live rurally and people who live on farms might think it’s cruel to keep your cat caged inside and never let it outside to get fresh air and exercise. Humans go outside and take the chance of being killed by another human or a car. What makes cats so special? devil’s advocate here

we’re getting off topic now. sorry OP

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond Remember that song Cruel to be Kind? lol, it’s your world, I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. But I did walk my cat on a leash…ha!

Valerie111's avatar

Yup. If I see an argument going no where, I’ll apologize so we can move on from it.

SABOTEUR's avatar

How else does one survive being married?

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond I agree, cats are meant to be free, unless you live on a busy street I believe in letting cats be CATS!

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