Do you have a "eureka moment" or tip to share this holiday?
Asked by
ibstubro (
November 27th, 2013
I was trimming carrots to grate for carrot cake this morning and as I went to whack the top off, I thought “Duh. Cut the top off and throw it away, then grate the ends off your fingers trying not to waste carrot.” Grate down to the nasty top, then throw it away.
Nearly too small a thing to take note of, yet I grated 3 cups of carrots without blood.
What’s your revelation or almost too small to mention tip this holiday season?
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37 Answers
and for gourd’s sake, put down a sheet of plastic so you don’t have to mop up all those carrot bits off the counter!
Mashed potatoes actually taste better if you don’t take the time to peel them first.
They taste even better if a family member does not like them….
( more for you..)
Also, I can’t believe it took me like ten years to realise I didn’t need a toothbrush to clean my beaters – I could just dunk them in a bowl of hot soapy water and flick it to “high” for about 30 seconds. All clean!
After years of making a right balls up of gift wrapping at xmas, the solution was right there all along…get the missus to do it, poiphekt!
^ Ha. Do you make her wrap her own gifts, too?
@youknow-whoyouare Good grief no, she says they’re easier to open & bless, at least I tried.
Many years ago I did the laundry on a Saturday while my wife was working ( I thought all the different stuff just goes in there together ).
When she got home, she said “I really appreciate the effort, but please don’t ever do the laundry again….”
( Genius, right…?? )
^^That’s my tactic with tedious menial housework too, do it crap & it’s like, “oh for fuck’s sake, give it here & i’ll do it myself!”
Immediately after she says this I turn away & wear a huge grin much like that of the Grinch.
Use an egg slicer to cut mushrooms into slices.
HA HA !!....I know that grin…...Shit, I’ve DONE that grin…...
(occasionally dropping and breaking an expensive dish or teacup can also be quite effective…)
Or “accidently” burning a bloody great hole in a shirt bought by elderly relatives…“damn that bloody iron!”
After spending over 30 minutes trying to catch a loose pitbull last night in my hometown, I finally yelled in frustration “Sit!!!” “Stay”, and the dog immediately obeyed and I caught him, he’s now at the vet’s hopefully to be reunited with his family today.
Just don’t overlook the obvious is the lesson.
Around here, @KNOWITALL, yelling at a pitbull tends to make them even more….let’s call it,,,,,,disenchanted….
@OneBadApple Yeah, I’ve owned many, you have to remain calm but speak with authority. Where are you at again?
@ucme About 10 years ago a visiting, very energetic 6-year old knocked over and broke a pole lamp which was the ugliest goddamn thing you ever saw. It had been a gift from my in-laws, so we had no choice but to look at it and wince every day.
Seeing what she did, our little friend began to cry, and I immediately ran over and hugged her, telling her that she did a really good thing.
She stopped crying, but I’ll never forget the look of confusion on her face…
@KNOWITALL I am just outside Orlando. Maybe the constant heat and humidity make our dogs a little…..umm…...less friendly….
@ibstubro How are these for “eureka moments” ??
@OneBadApple Yeah, and the drug dealers may have something to do with that. I’m pretty sure you have pit dogs (dogs that fight and are abandoned) down there as well. That sucks, people are so cruel.
Yes they are. And many of them forget that dogs are people too….
@OneBadApple Teaching an animal to kill, starving them, keeping on a chain until they go crazy and it has to be cut our of their flesh, I’ve seen it all and almost got myself killed in the process.
I have to keep fighting for the breed, there’s too many living in hell on earth and turning into monsters, much like many humans.
Fold under your fingers when peeling potatoes else you’ll peel your finger too.
Like I did today.
Yes, but it may not be the kind you’re looking for.
Every year during the holiday season (which starts in October) I’m struck by the sad realization that there are so many disadvantaged parents who won’t be able to give their kids the kind of bountiful Christmas that movies, TV shows, commercials and retailers depict and promote. My heart really goes out to those kids.
I’m just going to sew some play costumes for my kid, probably.
Apparently when my partner was about three, his grandmother asked him what his favourite present was that he got that year and he proudly said “A balloon!”
One year I had a “eureka moment” to send hand-made Christmas cards instead of buying them. It ended up costing four times as much, took hours , half the cards I made were rubbish and I threw them away and I swear I’ll never do it again.
@downtide At first I thought your last few words were “I swear I’ll do it again…”
There is an art to “stuffing” and I’m not an artist.
@Seek_Kolinahr I love potato skins. Especially when crispy on baked potatoes.
Thanks for the beater (dashers to me) tip!
I like wrapping presents @ucme. Better than the presents themselves.
Egg slicer for mushrooms is good, @ragingloli. Crap, now I have a reason to own and store an egg slicer.
I’m really good at pointing out the obvious, @KNOWITALL. lol
They’re doing pretty well, @OneBadApple.
Oh, @cookieman, maybe it’s not worth it and you should leave a little nub unpeeled, then cut it off and toss it, like I did carrots.
Nice sentiment @Pachyderm_In_The_Room.
You could do it again, only buy a kit and make cards on your computer, @downtide. Then you could spend 10x as much as store bought!
@DWW25921 I made stuffing once. It was perfect and I retired. lol
(Oh, and of course @KNOWITALL has owned several pit bulls. She’s a hillbilly living in the Missouri Ozarks!)
Oh, bless their hearts. I’m sure that Lester and Earl are were nice to their mothers….
My tip? Never lose faith in yourself. I recently found the answer to a question I’d been asking myself for 28 years. I actually knew the answer all along, but just wasn’t looking at it from the right POV.
I learned a new recipe today: sweet potatoes with a glaze made of bourbon, espresso, and maple syrup. It’s glorious.
Also: tawny port or PX sherry with pecan pie.
GOOD FOR YOU! @kritiper I love having a revelation smack me up side of the head. Not I personal revelation, but last year I finally understood the civil war. That may sound odd as I knew the fact, but I finally gained empathy.
I bought a pecan and cranberry pie yesterday. Can’t wait to try it!
@Haleth Where’d you post it? The recipe?
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