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KNOWITALL's avatar

Do you think well-kept feet are sexy?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29969points) November 27th, 2013

I do..

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39 Answers

Seek's avatar

Feet are gross.

People in general can be attractive from about the belly-button up. Everything else should be nebulous and invisible.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I don’t know quite why I like them, but something about the muscled calf and the clean, sleek look of the arch is kind of a turn on. Maybe it’s just me, just

With my clean freak ocd it’s a conundrum.

Berserker's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr People in general can be attractive from about the belly-button up. Everything else should be nebulous and invisible.

No smexy legs?

No feet love here, just doesn’t do anything for me.

jonsblond's avatar

I do not think feet are sexy, so please don’t show me a pic of your nail polished toes on facebook. ick

Lorna's avatar

No. Feet are feet to me.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond I would never!!! lol

Okay so it appears I’m a weirdo fetishist…okay then.

Aster's avatar

No, I don’t. But dirty toenails, if ever I saw any, would make me nauseous.

glacial's avatar

Sure, feet can be sexy. Lot of foot-haters on this question! I’m surprised. :)

Berserker's avatar

@KNOWITALL I don’t think it’s that weird. Feet fetishes seem to be pretty common. I guess they either do it for someone, or they don’t. Of course, if you think feet are sexy, that doesn’t necessarily make it a fetish. I like big Viking beards on guys, but I don’t think I’m obsessed about it enough for it to count as a fetish. I kind of have a hard time with that word’s definition though.

Valerie111's avatar

I don’t think feet are sexy but they can look sexy in a pair of heels.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@glacial I know, right?! It’s tender flesh on some which makes it vulnerable to ‘love’, and some are rough and unkept, bossy things. Foot-haters, nice!

livelaughlove21's avatar

No feet are sexy.

syz's avatar

No. Feet are not sexy. Some are more un-sexy than others.

ucme's avatar

I fucking hate feet, maybe if we all just had the one big toe instead of all those bony things dangling off the end of a long piece of meat, then they might not look so bad.
Be way easier for women to nail polish this one huge nail too.

syz's avatar

Don’t get me wrong, there’s almost a startling intimacy about a sexy guy with bare feet – but it’s not the feet themselves that are sexy.

Kardamom's avatar


Don’t even get me started on posting photos. I actually went looking high and low to find a picture of Martin Clune’s feet. I won’t bore or disgust you with that, suffice it to say I found some video, and they were divine! I actually had to fan myself after I saw them.

Most people have really gross looking feet, but when they’re lovely, it’s a wonderful thing. My S/O has lovely feet. I remember the first time I saw him barefoot, I almost wet myself. My best friend, who knew I had a thing for certain people’s feet, just smiled when I told her that I’d seen the feet!

When I’m out and about, I do tend to look at men’s feet. Most of them are super gross, but occasionally they’re lovely.

Seek's avatar

^ Giggle!

I’m out of Doc Martin until the library reopens on Monday.

Finished up Season Five today. All I can say is “d’awwwww!”

glacial's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I knew you’d like it. :)

Kardamom's avatar

You, unfortunately, will have to wait until February to see season 6. It was filmed this summer and started airing in England in September, but we don’t get it until February. I’m just glad the finale of season 5 was so satisfying, otherwise, I probably would have started pulling my eyelashes out. It was perfect! But I can wait, I’m on my 6th viewing of the entire series : P

PM me if you wanna see da feet

Kardamom's avatar

I meant Martin’s feet, not my S/O’s. Ha!

hearkat's avatar

Yes, some women’s feet can be; but I’ve never thought that of men’s feet.

As long as the feet are well-maintained they are not ‘gross’.

Seek's avatar

Haha, I’ll pass. He wears very nice shoes though. Always refreshing to see a sharply dressed man.

Seek's avatar

And I have no doubt I’ll acquire series 6 in some manner of questionably-legal format long before that, love. ^_^

Seek's avatar

Also, Al really grew into his face. by the fifth season he’s quite the looker, eh?

Kardamom's avatar


Yes! He does wear nice shoes (of course I noticed that too while I was dreaming of what was inside). And his suits almost make me, well you know… Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?

If you do get a copy, before February, don’t tell me what happens, although I know some of what happens already, because I peek.

Yes, Al is a cutie patootie! I thought you’d appreciate his tats, once they were revealed. If I was Pauline, I would never have left Port Wenn, or ever given him a hard time. Plus Burt is such a delight!

Don’t get me started on tummies, because I’ve seen Martin’s adorable belly too

Seek's avatar

Me too, whilst looking for nudie shots for you. Not a bad body for a dude his age.
I can’t say I find the man sexually appealing, but he is utterly adorable. And as I’ve said, love the character of Martin – awkward genius and all.

Poor Bert, all bad with business and all.

Adagio's avatar

While I don’t think of feet as sexy exactly, I definitely do enjoy feet, slender feet, never never never painted toenails though, no no no that wouldn’t do it all. I have one friend who has especially beautiful feet. I started noticing people’s feet when I first began using a wheelchair and my feet, which had previously been long and slender, swelled up and became unrecognisable to me, not my feet at all.

Haleth's avatar

Feet are about as sexy as knees or elbows, to me. It’s fine that they exist, but there’s nothing inherently sexy about them. I don’t really notice body parts like that, as long as they’re clean.

OTOH, feet can totally ruin a sexy mood if they’re unwashed and smelly.

ucme's avatar

Doc Martin dies in the final episode, a tragic accident involving a drunk farmer’s wife & a runaway horse…very sad.

OpryLeigh's avatar

No. I have, every so often, seen feet that made me think as feet go, they were better looking than most but not to the point I would ever call them sexy.

Smitha's avatar

Its a simple matter of individual taste. I’ve never really thought of feet in that way. To me they’re just feet and I’m glad that I have them.

Kardamom's avatar

Not in a sexual way of course, but do any of you guys think babies’ feet are cute (in the same way as my plant question)? Their widdle toesies are so cute! We have a bunch of wee ones in our family right now and it’s so fun to kiss their itty bitty feet.

Lorna's avatar

@ucme Don’t think I ever saw a horse in the programme. Pleased Louisa survived the brain tumour though. It would have been terrible if she got on the plane and the Doc hadn’t stopped her. Poor little James would have been without his mum.

ucme's avatar

@Lorna I’m going to take your word on the no horse show, I don’t watch Doc Martin see, never have.
I was just teasing, like you I do :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Kardamom Baby feet are cute before they start to get hardened by walking on them, wearing shoes etc.

Kardamom's avatar

I like dog and cat feet too. They look like Teddy Bears

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kardamom I completely agree with you, and baby feet are ADORABLE!! I think that’s why the little piggy game was

dabbler's avatar

Well, certainly un-well-kept feet are un-sexy.

But I like strong feet (and strong hands) because they are usually beautiful in an animal way and they seem to tell stories of their adventures and feats.

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