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A website that allows people to anonymously critique you as a person? Join?
I have this potentially disasterour idea for a social networking style website that allows users to receive both positive and negative criticism on their personality. Everything is anonymous and private unless you say otherwise.
I’m sure there are a million questions you might have about how this might operate, but the question I have is this…would you join?
The purpose of the site is to receive CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from people who have come in contact with you or spent time with you personally. It’s goal is to help people either better themselves based on helpful tips on their social skills, or to take pride in all of the positive criticism they receive. This would not be a place to “tell off” people, and there would be ways of controlling that which I will not get into here.
Example: “Sometimes you promise to do something and then fail to follow through with it, and it is frustrating. It’s not all the time, but every now and then.”
“You’re always such a great person to be around! I look forward to the times I see you and always feel uplifted when I leave! Thanks for that!”
Everything is private and anonymous (both crits you send and receive) unless you choose to make them public to receive further feedback from other users.
As I said, there are a lot of details on how the website will operate, but I’d like to know your thoughts about the concept (imagine an ideal situation in which people are using it for it’s intended purpose).
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