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elbanditoroso's avatar

Supposing one day the sun didn't rise?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) November 28th, 2013

Sunrise is getting later every morning (for the next 22 days) – it now doesn’t come up until after 7:15am where I live. This isn’t my favorite time of year.

Anyway, suppose, one day, that it just stayed dark. Sun didn’t rise. We’re just in black all day and all night.

How long would it take for people to go nuts? How long would it take for the bible-mongers to decide that the world was ending? How long would it take for looting and murder and other types of behavior to become rampant?

[Yes, I am ignoring the science here – if the sun stopped shining, there would be other effects, and even if it’s dark in North America, it’s light on the other side of the world. But I’m asking for sociological theory here…]

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10 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

How long would it take? 2 hours, tops.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I would sleep in. Probably forever. This planet’s surface would freeze within a week.

Judi's avatar

I had a friend go pretty kookoo when she worked as a nanny on the north slope of Alaska for a year. I think I would lose it pretty fast. I need my sunshine.

jca's avatar

I don’t mind a cloudy day but in total darkness? It would be tough after about 24 hours. As far as how long it would take for people to start their doomsday crap? Probably asap.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Honestly, I think I would have no problem with it. I am a nocturnal creature forced to live all my life by other humans’ preferences. My more cocky response of yesteryear…. I am my own light, I need no other.
The rest of the world? Lots would go nuts right away, but lots of us would be fine. I think probably about a third of people would be okay. Of the remaining two thirds, some would flip out, and some would have a period of doubt and fear before coming to grips with what they have to do..

glacial's avatar

Ask someone who lives in the polar circles. In some regions, it can remain dark for a month at a time.

We’re tougher than we think we are. I don’t think the psychology of it would be our greatest problem. Hard to grow food when there’s no sunlight. Eventually, people would have to leave for the other side of the planet.

downtide's avatar

Panic would set in after about an hour. Looting would start shortly after that. We’d all freeze to death in less than a week, except for people in Iceland and parts of Japan. They’ll starve slowly, but at least they’ll be warm.

Another thought… the only way for the sun to “not rise” is if the earth inexplicably stops spinning. And that means… no gravity. We’d all float off into space.

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

All I can say is – I’d definitely use the morning to do something I don’t get to do very often – sleep as late as I wanted to.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

If the bars are open I am fine.

mattbrowne's avatar

Happens in northern Scandinavia every year.

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